Union Minister Rajeev Chandrashekar on Friday hits out at former Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor Raghuram Rajan. The minister while talking to reporters slammed Rajan. He said, "I think he (Rajan) should decide whether he is a politician...a failed politician or a failed economist. "We all know that when he (Raghuram Rajan) was the RBI governor, he wrecked the entire banking system," the minister added.
The minister has also hit out at the Congress government in Karnataka over reports about it removing a lesson on RSS founder Keshav Baliram Hedgewar from school textbooks, saying the party's views on history are limited to the Nehru-Gandhi family.
The senior BJP leader termed the reported move as Congress antics to grab attention, and alleged that it has a long history of rewriting the country's history to remove those who are not part of a "dynasty".
On Thursday, Karnataka Primary and Secondary Education Minister Madhu Bangarappa had said revision of school textbooks will be done this year itself in the interest of students.
Meanwhile, Chandrasekhar expressed concerns about the increasing toxicity and criminality prevalent on the internet and affirmed the government's commitment to thwarting attempts to harm online users.
Chandrasekhar, who serves as the Minister of State for Entrepreneurship, Skill Development, Electronics & Technology, also disclosed that consultations with stakeholders on the Digital India Bill would commence this month. Additionally, he mentioned that a new personal data protection bill would be introduced in Parliament in the near future.
Chandrasekhar recognised that law and order fall under the jurisdiction of state governments and emphasised the importance of collaboration between the centre and the states in implementing effective initiatives.