Calling it a budget for New India, PM said “It is one of hope and it is a budget that will boost India's development in the 21st century”.
“These budgets will strengthen the enterprise and enterprises, further increase the participation of women in the country” PM said.
PM also said that the “budget will simplify tax system, and also the infrastructure will be modernized”. Calling the budget beneficial for the middle class, PM said “This budget will give progress to the middle class; the speed of development will accelerate”.
“This budget will strengthen the poor; the youth will get better tomorrow” PM added.
PM further said that the budget will help to empower the Indian farmer and the agriculture sector as a whole. “The government has taken all-round steps to empower, to empower poor-farmers-dalit-victims and the underprivileged. Now in the next 5 years, this Empowerment will make them the powerhouse of the country. 5 trillion dollars of energy to fulfill the dream of the economy, the country will get this powerhouse”.