New Delhi: Paytm founder and CEO Vijay Shekhar Sharma was arrested by Delhi Police last month and later released on bail in a case of rash driving. Sharma was allegedly driving a Jaguar Land Rover that hit the vehicle of Benita Mary Jaiker, DCP (South district) in Feburary.

According to a report by The Indian Express, the incident took place on February 22 and police lodged an FIR on a complaint filed by Constable Dipak Kumar, posted as driver with DCP (South) Benita Mary Jaiker.

Delhi Police spokesperson Suman Nalwa confirmed that police had “arrested Sharma, and released him on bail”.

The report further mentioned that Constable Kumar also gave a statement that said he was posted with DCP (Jaiker) and had taken her vehicle to a petrol pump.

Constable Kumar, said, “Constable Pradeep, an operator, was with me when we reached Mother’s International School and found a traffic jam there. I saw a gathering of people dropping their children (to school). I slowed down and asked Pradeep to get down to clear the traffic."

“I was waiting when a car came speeding from the side and rammed my vehicle. There was a Haryana registration number plate and the person managed to drive away. Our vehicle got damaged and Pradeep asked me to park on the side of the road. We informed our DCP and she asked me about the car. We told her that we had noted down the number, and then we lodged an FIR at Malviya Nagar police station,” he added.

The police further contacted the transport department to track the car and got to know that the vehicle was registered with a Gurgaon-based company. After contacting the company, police discovered that the vehicle was given to Paytm Founder Vijay Shekhar Sharma, after which he was arrested and later released on bail.