New Delhi: Nita Ambani, founder and chairperson of Reliance Foundation, has announced the expansion of women empowerment platform, Her Circle, into multilingual space, with the launch of its Hindi app.

Her Circle was launched by Nita Ambani a year ago and has already become the country’s fastest-growing digital platform for women with a reach of 4.2 crore, according to Reliance Foundation's statement. 

The news release said, “On International Women's Day this year, Nita M Ambani, founder and chairperson, Reliance Foundation, announced that Her Circle, a unique initiative that synergises women's power with the power of digital revolution is now expanding into the multilingual space with the launch of a Her Circle Hindi app today.”

Elaborating more about Her Circle, the news release said thousands of job opportunities curated and listed for users have connected them to the right career choice on the platform. Extensive masterclasses on how to become a professional makeup artiste, food stylist, fitness trainer, dog trainer, radio jockey have found serious takers.

Personalised trackers for fitness and nutrition, fertility, pregnancy as well as finance have been used by 1.50 lakh subscribers free of cost.

Her Circle is a desktop and mobile-responsive website and is available as a free app on Google Play Store and iOS App Store.
Lastly, participation in Her Circle is entirely free for its registered users. 

Nita Ambani, while speaking at the launch of the Hindi app, said, “Her Circle is an evolving platform meant for all women, irrespective of region and language. I want our reach and support to expand un-hindered", while adding, “And to reach more women in their language of ease, we are first launching Her Circle in Hindi. We go live in March 2022 and I hope it gets as much love as the English platform has received till now.”

Her Circle's first-year milestones cover a series of goals across digital usage and networking. "With 30,000 registered entrepreneurs on our network, we have a community of women looking to collaborate and rise together," the company said.

Apart from the launch of the Hindi App, Nita Ambani marked the first anniversary of 'HerCircle' by featuring on its digital cover and giving an exclusive interview.