Arindam Paul, Chief Business Officer (CBO) at Atomberg, took to the social media platform X (formerly Twitter) to advocate a more constructive approach among managers and leaders in organisations. He discouraged the use of shouting as a means of accomplishing tasks and instead underscored the importance of demonstrating assertiveness through action.

Paul stressed in a post on Wednesday that normalising shouting within organisations should be avoided. He also encouraged individuals who experience such behaviour to speak out against it.

Paul wrote, “Anyone who shouts at colleagues/team members has no business being a leader. And no business being in a corporate set up. Do not normalise shouting in organisations. If you get shouted at, call it out. Just because 20 years back, it was glorified in many orgs by many leaders don’t make it right. Be aggressive, not rude. Be aggressive with action, not voice.”

Paul’s views resonated with a lot of X users, attracting several likes and comments. One user wrote, “Very true, had a bunch of experiences at my previous company. Managers used to be extremely rude with different teams + Delhi slang ofc. I had to call it out a bunch of times and correct them privately. If you don't know how to operate with people, you shouldn't be in an org imo.”

“Respect yourself: walk out of such meetings, discussions. It is very difficult to confront such persons especially at such times. Walking out could be simpler: this is a very tough situation to be in and one could freeze, try and remember to respect yourself and find the strength to walk. #OmNamoNarayana,” added another user.

One user shared her personal experience and wrote, “The first manager I had, his communication language was shouting and insulting on department floor. This was a famous financial services co. and went on for 2 years. People would join and quit in a week due to his shouting . A 12 member team had >60%  folks on resignation always.”

Adding another aspect to the conversation, a user said, “The sheer instant regret after realising that u shouted at people who are actually striving for ur dream and doing the best they could surely can be one of the biggest regretful moment if u have great bonding in general with your team.”

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