Reliance Industries chairman Mukesh Ambani on Monday received another death threat email, the third in the last four days, for a ransom of Rs 400 crore on Monday. In the first threat, Ambani was asked for Rs 20 crore which was followed by another demand of Rs 200 crore. The businessman has been receiving threat emails since October 27 from a single email ID. All demands have been made from email ID, officials said.

The fresh email says that if the police cannot find "me", then they cannot "arrest me". In the last email.

The first threat received on Friday sought Rs 20 crore as ransom. Another email received a day later threatened that Ambani would be shot dead if he did not pay Rs 200 crore to the sender, a Mumbai police official said. Officials said all three emails have been sent from the same email ID and the sender has been identified as Shadab Khan. The emails were sent from Belgium, the officials said.

Police said the sender has demanded Rs 400 crores from Ambani now due to non-response to the previous emails. They said a case has been registered against an unknown person in Gamdevi PS of Mumbai, reported ANI. The police are investigating both mails and finding out the location of the sender. Police has sought help from Interpol to get information about the threatening mail sent from a Belgian Virtual Private Network company (VPN). It is being reported that its IP address is from Belgium and police believe the person giving the threats might be from another country.

Threats to Ambani have been a common thing with the family receiving several such messages in recent months. On February 25, 2021, an explosive-laden SUV was found parked on Carmichael Road in South Mumbai, near Antilia. The case shook the investigation agencies and the state government. Police had recovered a printed note inside along with gelatin sticks which said this was only a “trailer” and there would be assembled explosives next time instead of just loose sticks, the agency stated.

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