Mumbai: India scripted history by administering the billionth dose of COVID-19 vaccine on Thursday, within ten months of the world's most extensive vaccination program, a milestone termed as a triumph of Indian science, enterprise, and collective spirit of 130 crore Indians, by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. 

However, concerns remain about the gap between fully vaccinated adults and those who have received only one dose.

"India scripts history. We are witnessing the triumph of Indian science, enterprise, and collective spirit of 130 crore Indians. Congrats, India on crossing 100 crore vaccinations. Gratitude to our doctors, nurses, and all those who worked to achieve this feat," PM Modi tweeted.

Key Facts:

  • According to the country's official vaccine tracker, as of Thursday morning, India had administered 1,000,220,711 doses.

  • After China, which passed the one billion dose mark in June, the country with 1.3 billion inhabitants is now the second in the world to do so.

  • Around 75% of India's adult population has got one vaccine dosage. However, only 30% have received both vaccine doses, prompting worries that a significant portion of the population is still susceptible to the highly virulent delta strain of Covid-19.

  • Despite concerns, India's vaccine launch has helped reduce new infections in the country, which was devastated earlier this year by the delta variety.

  • Over 4.5 lakh Indians have died from Covid-19 since the start of the pandemic, according to official Indian government data. 

India Inc. Reactions:

Lauding the government's vaccination efforts, Mr. Uday Shankar, President, FICCI, said, "Administering 1 billion doses of COVID-19 Vaccine in 10 months is a phenomenal achievement by India, especially in these trying times. FICCI lauds the Hon'ble PM Narendra Modi for his strong leadership and grand visions. We are also grateful to the government for seamless execution of all initiatives and assure industry's complete support, the way we have collaborated for tackling the pandemic."

India launched its countrywide vaccination drive on January 16, 2021, with healthcare and frontline workers inoculated in the first phase. The second phase covered people over 60 years of age and those aged 45 and above with specified co-morbid conditions, and the third phase covered all people over 45 years, which was initiated from April 1. The government then expanded its vaccination drive by allowing all above 18 to be vaccinated from May 1.

"As we vaccinate more than 75% of our adult population and move towards vaccinating the children between 2 and 18 years, we need to continue to maintain our guard through COVID Appropriate Behaviour, only then will we be able to protect ourselves adequately," added Mr. Shankar.

Since the pandemic began early last year, the country has achieved many significant milestones. From proactive readiness for test-track-treat to the recent introduction of the Ayushman Bharat Digital Health Mission, India has been working hard to improve our human resources and physical healthcare infrastructure.

Tata Steel managing director T V Nrandran believes this historic mission will help place the economy on a high-growth path and reinforce India's global leadership role.

"Congratulations to the Government of India, Corona warriors, and the citizens of the country for scripting history by reaching the milestone of administering 100 crore COVID vaccine doses. This is a truly inspiring achievement under the committed leadership of Hon'ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The unyielding efforts and sacrifices made by India's researchers, doctors, healthcare workforce, administrative teams, and police personnel are extraordinary and laudable. This historic mission will help place the economy on a high-growth path and reinforce India's global leadership role," said Mr. Narendran, also President of industry body CII.

Bajaj Finserve Managing Director Sanjiv Bajaj feels that the Indian industry is proud to have been part of this national mission, which opens many new horizons for the country.

"Our sincere compliments to the Indian Government for setting a historical record by administering 100 crore COVID vaccination doses. This is a momentous and proud occasion for every Indian, achieved under the visionary leadership of PM Narendra Modi. I would like to felicitate all Corona warriors who have worked beyond the call of duty to help the country combat the pandemic effectively. Indian industry is proud to have been part of this national mission, which opens many new horizons for the country," said Mr. Bajaj, also President-Designate, CII. 

"It's a proud moment for the country and every Indian citizen as India achieves the ambitious target of administering 100 crore Covid vaccination doses. This reflects our nation's commitment towards collectively combating the pandemic and establishes India as a leader on the global immunization map. India has successfully led global efforts in the pandemic through multiple areas, such as vaccine development, drug manufacturing, and production of essential medical equipment. The far-sighted leadership of Prime Minister Modi in the vaccination endeavor and many economic reforms announced in this period make India attractive for investments and will catalyze its growth path. CII is proud to have been part of this journey and thanks to the Government for including Indian industry in the battle against the virus," said Mr. Chandrajit Banerjee, director-general, CII.