New Delhi: Fuel prices on Tuesday went further up with petrol being sold at Rs 82.86 per litre in Delhi and Rs 90.22 in Mumbai. Likewise, there has been a jump in the diesel prices too with rates hiked to Rs 74.12 in Delhi and Rs 78.69 in Mumbai respectively. Even in other metros including Kolkata and Chennai, petrol is being retained at Rs 84.68 and Rs 86.10 respectively. Diesel prices in these cities were recorded at Rs 75.97 and Rs 78.36 respectively. On Monday, petrol prices in the financial capital touched to a whooping Rs 90 mark whereas there was a hike in Diesel prices for the second consecutive day.
Even on Monday, a litre of petrol in Mumbai was sold at Rs 90.08, while the price in Delhi was set at Rs 82.72. Diesel, meanwhile, was being sold at Rs 78.58 per litre in Mumbai and Rs 74.02 per litre in Delhi. Fuel prices in the national capital has been the cheapest due to lower taxes and transportation cost whereas Mumbai has highest sale tax or VAT. Maharashtra imposes 25 per cent value-added tax (VAT) on petrol along with a surcharge of Rs 9 for a litre across the state. Likewise for diesel, VAT is 21 per cent in Mumbai, with a surcharge of Rs 1 for a litre across the state.
This relentless hike in fuel prices over the past few weeks has irked anger among the people across the country. Several Opposition parties and state government have questioned the Bharatiya Janata Party-led Central government for not taking proper measures to put a tab on oil prices. However, the government has maintained that the hike in oil prices is due to the international factors such as increase in crude oil prices.
The government has also stated that it would not roll out any immediate reduction in excise duty to down the fuel prices. Rather it has asked the state government to cut down VAT on the fuel.
Fuel prices continue to soar; Check how much you need to pay for petrol, diesel today
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
25 Sep 2018 08:34 AM (IST)
Fuel prices in the national capital has been the cheapest due to lower taxes and transportation cost whereas Mumbai has highest sale tax or VAT.
Government has maintained that the hike in oil prices is due to the international factors. (Image: PTI)
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