New Delhi [India], Jan 9 (ANI): MoneyTap, an app-based credit line, announced that Shamik Sharma, Myntra's former chief product and technology officer joined the company as an advisor with immediate effect.

In his new role, Shamik will be responsible for translating business needs of MoneyTap to enhance the product roadmap and help shape the organisation as it scales.

"As the young population in this country starts earning and spending more, there will be a massive need for an intelligent credit product which can serve the underserved. The road ahead is full of opportunities and I look forward to being a part of the transformational journey," he said.

Along with his role at MoneyTap, Shamik will continue being a venture partner at pi Ventures, an applied Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning and IoT-focused early stage venture fund.

Prior to this, Shamik was responsible for driving technology strategy and culture at Myntra. Shamik was also the VP of Software at Lytro, a light field camera start-up in the US and has held executive roles at RockYou, StumbleUpon and Yahoo.

On a related note, MoneyTap, to keep up with its expansion plans, is increasing its employee count and plans to add 50 new team members in tech, data, product, marketing and ops in the next six months.(ANI)

This story has not been edited. It has been published as provided by ANI