New Delhi: Elon Musk, chief executive officer (CEO) of Tesla and founder of SpaceX, has cleared it out that the Twitter acquisition deal will only go forward if the spam accounts on the microblogging site are less than 5 per cent.

In a tweet on Tuesday, the billionaire clearly stated that the deal can only move forward if there's clarity on the spam accounts of the social media platform.

"20% fake/spam accounts, while 4 times what Twitter claims, could be *much* higher. My offer was based on Twitter’s SEC filings being accurate. Yesterday, Twitter’s CEO publicly refused to show proof of <5%. This deal cannot move forward until he does," Musk said in a tweet response.

Earlier in the day, Musk trolled Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal who had posted a series of tweets explaining the microblogging site's efforts to fight bot and spam or fake accounts.

In a series of tweets on Monday, Agrawal explained how the micro-blogging platform is fighting spam and fake accounts with data, facts, and context.

Musk didn't seem convinced with the explanations and responded to the thread with a poop emoji. He later stated in another tweet: "So how do advertisers know what they're getting for their money? This is fundamental to the financial health of Twitter."