Former DHFL director Dheeraj Wadhawan has filed a bail plea on medical grounds after his arrest. His bail application is scheduled to be heard on May 18, according to an ANI report. Following his arrest by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Wadhawan was presented before the Rouse Avenue Court on Tuesday. Subsequently, the court remanded him to judicial custody until May 30.

An application for regular bail has been submitted on behalf of Wadhawan, who is implicated in a CBI case concerning the multi-crore bank loan fraud associated with DHFL.

Special Judge A K Sarpal has ordered Wadhawan to be remanded in judicial custody until May 30, which coincides with the scheduled hearing on the charge sheet. He will appear via video conferencing on the next court date. Despite being denied interim bail on medical grounds, his regular bail plea is set to be heard on May 18.

In the interim, the court has instructed the jail authorities to keep Wadhawan in a separate cell and assign him a 24-hour attendant. Additionally, until the next hearing, he must receive physiotherapy twice daily and undergo cardiac checks three to four times daily, with access to a wheelchair in jail. In an emergency, he must be admitted to either the jail or DDU hospital.

The jail superintendent has received instructions to submit a report outlining how the necessary treatment for the accused will be provided going forward. Special Public Prosecutor Anupam Sharma and Public Prosecutor Arvind Kumar objected to the request for an interim bail for the accused on medical grounds, advocating against a 12-week release.

Furthermore, the trial court has mandated that the accused's counsel disclose whether the bail plea is pending before the High Court or has been retracted. 

On May 11, the Delhi High Court issued a notice to the CBI in response to Wadhawan's plea for bail on medical grounds. He appealed to the High Court against the trial court's decision to deny him bail on medical grounds.

Following his discharge from the hospital after spinal surgery, he underwent treatment at his residence in Mumbai.

Justice Jyoti Singh issued a notice to the CBI and instructed them to submit a response. The case is scheduled for a hearing on May 17. Advocate Anupam Sharma represented the CBI and accepted the notice.

On May 10, Special Judge A K Sarpal of the Rouse Avenue court dismissed his bail plea on the grounds of its premature nature, maintaining that it was not yet suitable for consideration. The court also instructed the CBI to apprehend him after May 11 and present him before the CBI court following the Supreme Court's directive issued on January 24.

While rejecting the bail application, the CBI Court stated that the accused could file a fresh bail application once arrested and brought into the court's custody. Any requests for interim bail on medical grounds or regular bail would be entertained at that point.

Also Read: What Is Rs 34,000-Crore DHFL Scam That Landed Dheeraj Wadhawan In Judicial Custody?