A Delhi-based business owner has come under fire after sharing an account of his experience delivering an order personally, only to feel disheartened when the customer mistook him for a regular delivery agent. Akash Bansal, the founder of a mobile accessories brand, took to X on Monday to recount the incident.

In his post, Bansal explained that his company had received a cash-on-delivery (COD) order worth Rs 3,200. Since the delivery location was just 10 minutes away from his office, Bansal decided to handle the delivery himself. Upon arrival, the customer handed him Rs 3,500 and told him to keep the change, assuming he was the delivery agent.

Bansal's Tweet

"The excitement level went from 100 to 0 in a flash," Bansal wrote, detailing his initial reaction. He then shared that he allowed the customer to keep Rs 500 and both ended up pleased with the outcome. The woman expressed surprise at the quick delivery, saying, "Why you guys are so fast? Always wanted this, glad it happened today."

While Bansal's post quickly gained attention and went viral, it also sparked criticism. Many users on X expressed discontent with what they perceived as classist undertones in Bansal's reaction to being mistaken for a delivery agent. Some accused him of showing embarrassment and questioned his respect for the dignity of labour.

How The Netizens React

"So sorry to hear that. I suggest you get an 'I am the company’s founder, please make me feel special' t-shirt for yourself. Might work next time," commented Priyanka Lahiri, an X user, with a note of sarcasm.

Another user, Inderpal Singh, added, “I don't really understand why your excitement went down? For an actual delivery person, this was a good tip given the number of orders they deliver every day.”

The debate continues as the post circulates, with opinions divided over the incident and Bansal's response.