The Union Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday, approved seven multi-tracking projects of the Ministry of Railways with an estimated cost of around Rs 32,500 crore. The projects are expected to add 2,339 kms to the existing network of Indian Railways, said Union Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw briefing media on the Cabinet decision. The government also informed that projects will provide employment to 7.06 crore man-days during the construction of the projects. 

A government statement said that these projects are a result of the PM-Gati Shakti National Master Plan for Multi-model connectivity and are 100 per cent funded by the central government. Over 35 districts in nine states are covered under the project including Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Odisha, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal.

Talking about the decision, Vaishnaw emphasised that the projects will adopt a full Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) approach. The aim is to streamline operations, alleviate congestion, and introduce an additional freight traffic volume of approximately 200 million tonnes annually.

"The projects will provide employment of 7.06 crore person-days to the people of the selected states," the government statement said. 

Also Read: Govt Plans To Offload Stakes In Indian Railway Finance Corp To Meet Divestment Target: Report

Gorakhpur-Cantt-Valmiki Nagar- Doubling Of Existing Line

Talking about the specific projects, Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw said, the Gorakhpur-Cantt-Valmiki Nagar doubling project will as an alternative to the New Delhi-Howrah line, enhancing connectivity with northeastern states. This is one of 8 parallel projects to the NDLS-Howrah line, filling a critical link and improving Nepal connectivity.

Guntur-Bibinagar- Doubling Of Existing Line

The Guntur-Bibinagar Singh doubling initiative is in response to increased demand between Chennai and Hyderabad. Covering a 239 km section with an investment of 3,238 crores, it will shorten the Chennai-Hyderabad distance by 76 km and upgrade facilities around Vijayawada.

Chopan-Chunar- Doubling Of Existing Line

Another doubling project of the Chopan-Chunar stretch of over 280 km aims to reduce congestion in Singrauli and enhance rail efficiency. The Secunderabad-Bengaluru rail segment will boost north-south train operations and decrease the Hyderabad-Bengaluru distance by 50 km, fostering improved connectivity, the minister said. 

Samakhiali-Gandhidham-  Quadrupling

Further, the Quadrupling of the Samkhiali-Gandhigram route connects the Western Dedicated Freight Corridor (WDFC) with the port region and supports emerging cement clusters near Bhuj. It offers labor mobility and the potential for new trains, the minister said. 

Nergundi-Barang And Khurda Road-Vizianagaram- 3rd Line

The introduction of a 3rd line from Cuttack to Vizag, a 5000 crore project, enhances capacity and benefits the labor, education, and health sectors, Vaishnaw said. 

Son Nagar-Andal Multi-Tracking Project 

The multi-tracking project between the Son Nagar-Andal section on the Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor (EDFC) quadruples a currently double-lined track. With a 13,606 crore investment, it aids in coal transportation and labor mobility from Jharkhand to northern regions, the minister said.