New Delhi: In order to ensure smooth running of Budget Sessions of the Parliament, Lok Sabha speaker Om Birla on Tuesday said that the proceedings of both the Houses will be held with all Covid-19 protocols in place. "All necessary arrangements will be made as per the Covid-19 protocols during the forthcoming Budget Session of the Parliament starting from January 29," Birla said. ALSO READ | Budget 2021: Will FM Sitharaman Extend Relief To Covid-Hit Middleclass Taxpayers? Here's What To Expect

Birla's remarks came after he chaired a virtual meeting with the Union home secretary, AIIMS director, officials of the public works department, health secretary and other government officials to finalise preparations ahead of the session that is slated to begin on January 29. 

Informing about the schedule of the upcoming Parliament session, Birla said that in the first half of the session, the Parliament will meet 12 times, while there are 21 sittings scheduled in the second half. The Rajya Sabha will function from 9 am to 2 pm and Lok Sabha from 4 pm to 9 pm, he added. 

"Everyone inside the Parliament complex, including Members of Parliament, their families and staff, Secretariat staff and members of the media would need to undergo RT-PCR tests," Birla said.

When asked about if MPs will be given priority for getting Coronavirus vaccine, the Lok Sabha speaker said that vaccination drive policy finalised by Centre, states will apply to Parliamentarians as well. "We will have to wait for our turns," he said. Even PM Modi, during his Covid-19 review meeting with Chief Ministers of various states, had said that public representatives including MPs and MLAs are not on the priority list.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Amid COVID19 pandemic, Budget Session will commence from Jan 29. Rajya Sabha will sit from 9am to 2pm and Lok Sabha will sit be from 4 pm to 9 pm. Zero Hour and Question Hour will be held. MPs have been requested to undergo RT-PCR test: Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla <a ></a></p>&mdash; ANI (@ANI) <a >January 19, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Question Hour Back!

Unlike the Monsoon Session where Question Hour and Zero Hour were cancelled following the Covid-19 protocol which drew massive outrage from Opposition, the Budget Session of the Parliament will have them. "Question Hour will be allowed during Parliament Session for already fixed time of one hour," Birla informed.

Birla observed that the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the functioning of Parliaments across the world.

He said that even during the pandemic, some important legislative businesses were transacted by the Lok Sabha, including the enactment of appropriate laws for the protection of health workers serving the public during this challenging time.

The Budget session will commence with the President's Address while the Union Budget will be presented on February 1. The session will conclude on April 8 with a recess in between from February 15 to March 8.

The President will deliver his annual address to a joint sitting of both Houses of Parliament at 11 a.m. on January 29. The two Houses will meet separately for tabling of the President's Address.

No More Food Subsidy At Parliament Canteen 

From the upcoming Parliament session beginning this month-end, there will be no food subsidy at the Parliament canteen. Birla announced the new move, saying "Food subsidy at Parliament canteen has been completely removed". Birla made the announcement addressing the media ahead of the forthcoming Budget session of Parliament that will begin from January 29.

Sources said that the savings could add up to almost Rs 17 crore annually with the removal of subsidised food at the Parliament canteen. In the winter session of Parliament in 2019, Birla mooted a suggestion for it and the Members of Parliament unanimously decided to not avail of any subsidy at the Parliament canteen.