Ahead of the Budget session, Prime Minister Modi advised all MPs perform their best and urged the unruly members to self introspect as he hailed India's development and said he believed the growth will continue.


He said, "I hope the MPs who are in the habit of ripping apart democratic values will self-introspect on what they did in their term as members of Parliament. Those who contributed positively to the Parliament will be remembered by all. But those members who caused disruptions will hardly be remembered. This budget session is an opportunity for repentance and to leave positive footprints. I urge all the MPs not to miss this opportunity and perform their best."


PM Modi said Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will present the budget with 'disha-nirdeshak baatein and that he is of firm belief that India's growth and development will continue. He said, "This time, Finance Minister of the country, Nirmala Sitharaman will present the budget with 'disha-nirdeshak baatein'. I am of the firm belief that the country is going ahead by crossing new heights of progress every day. All-round and inclusive development is taking place. This journey will continue with the blessings of people..."


"We are going to follow the tradition of presenting a full budget after the new government is formed," he added.


Hailing the celebration of women empowerment in the country, PM Modi said, "At the end of the first session that was convened in this new Parliament building, the Parliament took a graceful decision - Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam. After that, on 26th Jan we saw how the country experienced the capability of Nari Shakti, its valour, the strength of its resolve. Today, when the budget session begins, President Drouapdi Murmu's guidance and tomorrow when Nirmala Sitharaman presents the interim budget - in a way this is a festival of the Nari Shakti."