New Delhi: The Budget Session of the parliament that is scheduled to begin on January 31 will not have Zero Hour and the Question Hour in both upper and lower houses for the first two days of the session. 

The decision is in the purview of President Ram Nath Kovind’s address to both the houses in the Central Hall on January 31. On February 1, the Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will present the budget for the year 2022-23 which is why the Zero Hour and Question Hour will be incorporated in the session from February 2 onwards.

A Parliament bulletin released on Friday stated, “There shall be no 'Zero Hour' on January 31 and February 1, 2022. Members are informed that owing to the address of the President, during the first two days of the 8th session of the 17th Lok Sabha, there will be no 'Zero Hour' on January 31 and February 1, 2022.”

It further added, “Members are informed that matters of urgent public importance raised during 'Zero Hour' will be taken up from February 2, 2022.”

However, the members of the Parliament will have to notify their concerns beforehand either using the online portal or through the Parliamentary Notice Office. 

“It is for information of members that, to raise matters of urgent public importance during 'Zero Hour' on Wednesday, February 2, 2022, they may table notices on Tuesday, February 1, 2022, between 10:00 hours and 18:00 hours either online through e-portal or manually in the Parliamentary Notice Office,” the bulletin added.

As per the usual procedure of the parliament, the Zero Hour and the Question Hour are held for one hour each day before the session starts. TheLok Sabha session begins with the Question Hour at 11 AM, followed by the Zero Hour. Contrary to that, the Rajya Sabha begins with the Zero Hour at 11 AM, followed by one hour of the Question Hour.