Zomato’s decision to increase the platform fees on its delivery app has irked some customers. A customer in Bengaluru on Tuesday claimed that the hike made him stop using the app entirely. Sumukh Rao, a techie, said that he used to order from the app frequently, however, the increase in the fee, along with the company’s decision to reduce free delivery range to 7 km made him give it up completely.

Sharing his opinion on social media platform X, Rao said, “Zomato decreasing the distance for free delivery to 7km and now increasing the platform fee to ₹6 per order has done wonders for both my health and wallet.”

The techie said that he hasn’t ordered anything from the app in the last two weeks. Talking about the surge in delivery fees on the platform, Rao gave an example that a delivery that used to free earlier for the user is now being charged Rs 115 by the company.

As the post went viral, Netizens expressed their agreement and noted that the platform has become unnecessarily expensive. One of the users, Jay Prashanth, said, “Yes, I've gone down from 10K a month to under 2K a month. It's not about money being lost. It's about the feeling of being price-gouged that rankles.”

Notably, earlier this week, Zomato and Swiggy announced a hike in the platform fees for their customers by 20 per cent in order to increase their profit margins.

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