Yoga Guru Ramdev on Friday said Patanjali is getting ready to get listed five Patanjali group companies by floating four initial public offerings (IPOs)  in the next five years. The yoga guru in a news meet in New Delhi said, “After Patanjali Foods Ltd, we aim to bring IPOs of our four other firms – Patanjali Ayurved, Patanjali Wellness, Patanjali Medicines, and Patanjali Lifestyle. We have already started working on the action plan to achieve the target of Rs 5-lakh crore market value of these five to-be-listed firms.”

In order to make India self-reliant in edible oils, Ramdev said Patanjali Foods plans to do oil plantation on more than 15 lakh acres in 55 districts across 11 states. “Patanjali is conducting this major campaign to remove poverty, malnutrition, and unemployment. Patanajali’s various schemes will provide additional employment to more than 5 lakh people,” he said, while adding that the country will save Rs 3 lakh crore in foreign exchange in importing edible oil.

Recently, the company has laid the foundation stone of its first oil palm processing mill on 38,000 hectares in Arunachal Pradesh across nine districts. Ramdev said that palm plantation work is going on war footing in all north-eastern states, including Assam.

During the news conference, Ramdev said that the turnover of Patanjali group is nearly Rs 40,000 crore. “The target is to make it Rs 1 lakh crore in the next five-seven years. Our company will play a major role in making India a global economic superpower by becoming the largest FMCG company in India. We are working on an action plan to reach the level of Rs 5,000 crore EBITA of Patanjali Foods.

According to the release by Patanjali group, the target is anticipated to be achieved through four different verticals.

  • Rs 2,000 crore from palm oil plantation and processing

  • Rs 1,500 crore- Rs 2,000 crore from traditional edible oil business

  • Rs 1,000 crore from FMCG food business

  • Rs 500 crore- Rs 1,000 crore from nutraceuticals

In the news meet, Ramdev also alleged that some groups are sponsoring conspiracies and and false charges against the company and and products. He took an aim at exposing “conspiracies and efforts of rumor-mongers who spread false facts and figures with a vested motive to disparage Patanjali and its Swadeshi Movement in the direction of stronger and healthier India”.