Days after Ather Energy, the electric two-wheeler manufacturer, faced online backlash for posting images from its Onam celebrations, the company released a statement. The viral post, shared by co-founder and CEO Tarun Mehta on X (formerly Twitter), featured him and co-founder Swapnil Jain dressed in traditional Kerala attire with employees enjoying an Onam Sadhya meal. The criticism arose over the inclusion of chapatti, a North Indian staple, in the feast, which deviated from the traditional Onam Sadhya that typically includes rice, sambar, avial, and payasam served on a banana leaf. The deviation from tradition sparked backlash from social media users who criticised the meal's cultural accuracy.

In response to the controversy, Ather Energy issued an official statement addressing the concerns. The company acknowledged the presence of chapatti but clarified that it was offered as an optional item for employees who preferred it. The statement, delivered with a touch of humour, noted, "Thankfully, no Malayalees were hurt in this incident," and emphasised that Malayalee chefs otherwise prepared the Sadhya at their Bengaluru office. The company assured that traditional items like white rice, brown rice, and other dishes would be served as part of the meal and that chapatti would not replace any customary foods.

Ather Energy also highlights its commitment to cultural sensitivity and has taken concrete steps to address the issue. The company has initiated workshops designed to enhance awareness and understanding of cultural practices to prevent similar situations in the future. In its statement, Ather Energy acknowledged the mistake and reiterated its respect for the cultural traditions associated with Onam.

Onam, Kerala’s most significant festival, is celebrated with the traditional Sadhya feast, which plays a central role in the festivities. This elaborate meal, consisting of a variety of vegetarian dishes served on a banana leaf, carries profound cultural significance. 

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