Air India pilots have sought Ratan Tata's intervention in resolving the ongoing matter with the company's human resources (HR) department regarding a revised service agreement and updated salary structures. A petition signed by a little over 1,500 Air India pilots, said that their concerns are not being heard or addressed by the current HR team, reported PTI. 

The petition addressed to Chairman Emeritus of Air India Ratan Tata, said, "We are facing a difficult situation with the HR department. We feel we are not being treated with the respect and dignity that we deserve as employees of Air India. As a result, our morale is low, and we are concerned that this will have a negative impact on our ability to perform our duties to the best of our abilities."

Air India rolled out a revamped compensation structure for its pilots and cabin crew on April 17. It guaranteed the doubling of flying allowance for pilots to 40 hours. In addition, pilots will receive a service reward based on years of service, while other allowances will be increased and a new travel policy proposed. 

However, according to the reprot the two pilot unions, Indian Commercial Pilots Association (ICPA) and Indian Pilots Guild (IPG), rejected the new pay structure alleging that it violates the labour practices and the company did not consult them before finalising the new contracts. 

The unions have asked their members not to accept the revised contract and salary structure, the report added. 

Air India was taken over by Tata Group in late January 2022. 

"We are committed to working with the company to find solutions that will benefit all stakeholders. However, we feel that our concerns are not being heard or addressed by the current HR team. We are therefore respectfully requesting your assistance in addressing these issues," the pilots said in the petition.

The added that as the Chairman Emeritus of Air India, "we believe that your benevolent leadership can help us to find a solution that is fair and respectful to all parties involved."

Tata Sons is the sole owner of Air India, Air India Express, and AirAsia India. Tata Sons and Singapore Airlines have a 51:49 joint venture in the form of Vistara. Currently, Air India Express and AirAsia India are being merged so that Air India will have just one low-cost subsidiary. In addition, Vistara and Air India are in the midst of a merger.