When Jagdish Dubey landed his dream job with an MNC in Bengaluru in January 2020, he had to leave his newborn baby and wife behind in Raipur until he found his footing in the new city. In two months, the uncertainties surrounding Covid and the lockdowns made the transition tougher. “Given the global market scenario, not losing the job was my number one priority. Actually, over the last three years, that’s been my recurring nightmare,” confides the software engineer, who finally managed to move his family to Bengaluru last year.

As someone who is not very fluent in English and hence, lacked confidence at work, Jagdish had a transformative experience when he enrolled on an online communication course. “It helped me break so many professional barriers. It made me more confident in my communication and my ability to contribute at work,” he says. 

Given how the pandemic, Ukraine war and uncertain global market situation have brought about a shift in the workspace and the expectations companies have from their workforces, bringing one’s A-game to work is more important than ever before. “Companies no longer want employees that are just competent in their technical skills; they are looking for strong collaborators, confident negotiators, and critical thinkers, who can help the company tide over the crisis,” concurs Rakesh Godhwani, Founder and CEO of the School of Meaningful Experiences (SoME), a Bengaluru-based communication startup.

SoME’s curriculum is based on the unique ‘Six Cs’ philosophy that empowers learners with key life skills – Communication, Confidence, Collaboration, Curiosity, Competence and Creativity.

“In an unpredictable world where pandemics and wars have disrupted supply chains, and innovations like AI are slowly ruling the market, no one can predict anything. The only thing one can do is upskill themselves. At SoME, we give every learner adequate practice and constructive feedback, which aims to strengthen their confidence,” says Rakesh, who has a PhD in business and leadership communication. 

Traditionally, the Indian education system has put a strong focus on sciences and mathematics but not on developing communication and other essential life skills. The absence of these key skill sets can prove to be a huge challenge in the hybrid workspace. “For the smooth functioning of today’s hybrid workplace, strong communication skills that are assertive yet empathetic are needed. This will enable us to voice our opinions and give space to others to voice theirs as well, irrespective of whether we agree or disagree with them,” notes the communications expert. 

Communication is the backbone of every human relationship – personal, professional, and social. In today’s world, we are more connected than ever before. But has communication become more meaningful?

“Technology provides an enhancement, but it cannot be a replacement for human communication. That is why we need to go back to the basics of communication to reflect on what truly matters in how we comprehend and connect with people,” maintains Rakesh, who advocates investing in yourself, upskilling, reskilling, and embracing a growth mindset.

At SoME, learners are provided with diverse tools to help master the art of communication. “It’s a personalised process, which includes learning how to speak fluently, developing the confidence to present your ideas to the world, and embracing creativity and a collaborative spirit to make a greater impact,” says the expert.

Good communication and leadership skills are essentially about embracing a more holistic approach to life and work. “It’s about creating an environment that inspires confidence, boosts persuasive communication and a more collaborative approach in the fearless pursuit of excellence,” says the entrepreneur, who is not a fan of everyone “running behind the unicorn tag”.