New Delhi (India), June 28: Priya & Mohit, the dynamic couple behind Raja Rani Coaching, have revolutionized the field of tailoring education in India. With their vast expertise and passion for sewing, they have created a platform that imparts essential skills to thousands of students across the nation and beyond.

Mohit's journey in the world of tailoring began when he found himself as the only male student among 70 girls learning the art of sewing. Managing his family business, Raja Rani Couture, Mohit's dedication and talent led him to cross paths with Priya. They soon realized their shared vision and passion for tailoring and decided to join forces, both in marriage and in business.

Recognizing the immense potential in the field and the lack of comprehensive tailoring education, Priya & Mohit expanded their family business. Determined to bridge the gap in the industry, they established Raja Rani Coaching, a coaching institute focused on teaching students how to design and create garments from scratch to perfection.

From the beginning, the couple emphasized the importance of quality and customer satisfaction. Their dedication paid off, as their coaching institute quickly gained popularity. Students flocked to Raja Rani Coaching, eager to learn the intricacies of tailoring and develop their skills under the guidance of industry experts.

To reach a wider audience, Priya & Mohit expanded their coaching services both online and offline. However, relying on platforms like Zoom and WhatsApp to conduct classes and share recordings raised security concerns. To ensure a safe and seamless learning experience, they took matters into their own hands and developed a secure app exclusively for their students. Today, this innovative approach has allowed Raja Rani Coaching to teach over 32,000 students, empowering them with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the field of tailoring.

With a mission to nurture more talented artists in India, Priya & Mohit are dedicated to making their students employable. Their coaching institute not only teaches the art of sewing but also provides valuable insights into the fashion industry, helping students understand the market and its demands.

In addition to their coaching institute, they want to embark on a new venture call "PriyaMG." Under this label, they will offer a range of garments for online sale, including ready-made blouses, kurtis, and more. This initiative further showcases their entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to providing their customers with quality garments that reflect their expertise in the field.

Raja Rani Coaching has become a symbol of excellence in tailoring education, inspiring students to pursue their passion and equipping them with the skills necessary to succeed. Priya & Mohit's dedication, combined with their innovative approach, has transformed the lives of countless aspiring tailors across India. As they continue to expand their reach and empower more students, Raja Rani Coaching stands as a testament to the power of education and the boundless opportunities it can create.