New Delhi (India), June 23: Bharath Virtual University presented an honorary doctorate award to a renowned Ayurvedic Doctor from Punjab, Dr. Mukesh Sharda, the founder of Dr. Sharda Ayurveda in recognition of her iconic and outstanding contributions to Ayurveda.

Bharath Virtual University for Peace and Education, an esteemed private institute based in Bengaluru, stands as a beacon of knowledge and academic excellence. As a unit of the Universal Care Foundation Trust, which is registered with the Niti-Aayog Government of India, the university is renowned for its commitment to promoting peace, education, and societal welfare.

The recent felicitation ceremony held by the institute at Bengaluru on 10th June 2023 celebrated the achievements of noteworthy individuals from various fields. It included some reputed guests such as General Officer Commanding Brigadier Saif Khan, Dr. Kumar Rajesh, Chairman of Bharath Virtual University Peace and Education, and Guest of Honor D.S.P. Srinivasulu. 

Dr. Mukesh Sharda’s journey in the field of Ayurveda has been marked by persistent dedication and a relentless quest for excellence. With years of rigorous study and practical experience, she has earned the respect and admiration of her peers and patients. Through her innovative research, holistic treatments, and compassionate care, Dr. Mukesh Sharda has successfully integrated Ayurvedic principles and modern-day diseases that patients are facing in their day-to-day life. This results in enhanced patient outcomes and improved well-being.

With her excellence and knowledge, she has proved that Ayurveda has the power to heal with utmost care and is successfully treating autoimmune diseases with Ayurveda. 

The recognition presented to Dr. Mukesh Sharda signifies the growing acceptance of Ayurveda within mainstream healthcare systems. As the world grapples with the rising prevalence of chronic diseases and the limitations of certain medicines, natural approaches like Ayurveda brings new hope. 

Dr. Mukesh Sharda specializes primarily in autoimmune diseases, and she believes in treating these auto-immune diseases according to the unique personality of the individual, according to Prakriti, and provides a personalized plan of treatment for each patient. In addition, her pioneering work not only brings about positive change in individual lives but also contributes to the more significant paradigm shift in healthcare, promoting a broader and patient-centric approach.

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, serves as the cornerstone of her pioneering work. With a deep-rooted understanding of its principles and a passion for healing, Dr. Sharda Ayurveda has made significant strides in Ayurvedic treatment, positively impacting the lives of countless individuals seeking holistic healing.

By receiving the Honorary Doctorate Award, she has not only been recognized for her accomplishments but has also been entrusted with the responsibility of carrying forward the legacy of Ayurveda toward the healing of mankind. Dr. Mukesh Sharda's success story will undoubtedly motivate future generations to delve deeper into this ancient science, unlocking its secrets and leveraging its power to benefit humanity.

This noteworthy recognition not only honors Dr. Mukesh Sharda's exceptional contributions but also highlights the growing endorsement of Ayurveda within the global healthcare landscape. Thus, this ancient science has significantly enhanced the lives of countless individuals.

Through her expertise and commitment, she has propelled the field of Ayurveda to new heights, offering a beacon of hope for individuals in pursuit of balanced and harmonious living.