New Delhi (India), April 5: India is known as the land of mystique, Yoga, and spiritualism all around the world. Those who fail to achieve mental stability travel to India in search of mental salvation from different parts of the world. Amidst worldly chaos, Prashant Pandey, known as the 'Indian monk,' has been redefining spirituality with his unique ways.

An engineer by profession, Prashant Pandey has become one of the most prominent names in the synergetic world of Yoga, Spiritual Mysteries and Kriya Meditation. Prashant Pandey is the maestro of Kriya Yoga and calls it a scientific process. Shedding some light on his expertise, he added, "Earlier people trained pigeons and crows to send letters from one place to another. With time, as the demand intensified, people invented telephones. It's all about how we train our minds! The creator of Kriya Yoga, Babaji, was very dissatisfied in terms of various perspectives of happiness, love, spirituality, enlightenment and attainment of God etc. He then found a functional method of yoga which later became popular as 'Kriya Yoga'. Babaji's Kriya Yoga is a scientific method to attain God-realization."

For those who aren't aware, The Kriya Yoga School is a modern yoga school, described by its practitioners as an ancient yoga system revived in modern times by Lahiri Mahasaya, who claimed to be initiated by a non-physical guru, Mahavatar Babaji, at circa 1861. Prashant further added, "Through the techniques involved in the Kriya Yoga path, one can control the thought processes and direct the energy of life inward, thus stilling the near-constant restlessness that characterizes ordinary, outward-directed consciousness. The techniques provide a needed bridge from chaos to stillness and finally to the salvation of the soul."

Quoting Babaji, "By the definite science of meditation known for millenniums to the yogis and sages of India, and Yogananda ji any seeker of God can enlarge the calibre of his consciousness to omniscience to receive within himself the Universal Intelligence of God," Prashant further added, "Kriya Yoga trains the mind to unfilter negativity. It doesn't give theological abstractions but varied techniques that can help people know, and embrace the divinity of God. The practice of Kriya gives the true experience of religion, salvation and peace. Once we commence on the path of Kriya Yoga, we will be stunned to see the bounties of life!"