New Delhi (India), April 19: Gabrielle Bernstein once said, "It's the journey that matters, not the destination," and we couldn't relate enough. Lately, her name has been causing waves in the beauty pageant world for her alluring aura. She is Priya Srivastava! After winning various titles, she has now added one more to her list: Mrs India Universe 2023 runner-up! 

After months of active preparation, Priya Srivastava from Goa won the title at the mega event. The internet has gone crazy, and people are drenching her in love. Meanwhile, her journey to winning that title is so inspiring and beautiful that we just couldn't help but end up sharing it with you all! While we have already praised Priya for her achievements, let's take a look at her journey, shall we?

Speaking of the entire process, she says, "I have dreamt of representing our country at an international level. After coming back to India from London, I came across this opportunity, and I grabbed it with open hands. It was an uphill battle with beautiful memories. I started the training process four months before the event and have given my sweat and blood for days and nights to accomplish this." 

On winning the coveted title of Mrs Universe 2023 Indo Asia, Priya Srivastava is extremely elated. She says, "It still feels like a dream, and it wasn't easy, but it's often said that, when you want something with all your heart, no one can stop you from achieving it. I can't thank Audrey D'Silva and Audicious Finishing School enough for their unwavering support and lessons." 

Born and brought up in Lucknow, Priya Srivastava has achieved great success in the realms of the fashion industry and beauty pageants. With her outstanding style sense and great management skills, she has been able to leave a strong mark on the people around her. She is not only a beauty queen but also a homemaker and mother! She flawlessly manages her personal and professional lives. Her journey is an inspiration for all of us! 

She has also won Mrs India World.Inc., Mrs Universe Indo-Asia 2022, Mrs India World Beyond the Digital Reach, and Influencer of the Year 2020. Priya Srivastava has many interesting projects in the pipeline, and we wish her all the best for the same.