TikTok, a social media platform based in China, is expected to continue operating in Mexico without any disruptions, despite security concerns raised in the US.

The Mexican Government has stated that there is no justification to ban the platform as it could be seen as a violation of the right to freedom of speech.

Is TikTok Banned in Mexico?

No. TikTok is not banned in Mexico. The Mexican leaders were talking about banning TikTok a few years ago because the TikTok app promotes immoral content, but they decided to not ban it after all.

During his morning conference, President López Obrador announced that his government will not prohibit the use of the Chinese app by government officials. This decision contrasts with the stance taken by several western countries, including the US, Canada, France, and the UK, which have banned the app for government employees due to concerns of potential spying activities that could benefit the Chinese government.

President López Obrador stated that in Mexico, there are no restrictions and they ensure freedom of thought and expression, emphasizing that nothing is forbidden.

López Obrador has commented on social media matters before. In November 2022, Elon Musk, CEO of Twitter, conducted a 24-hour poll that resulted in former US President Donald Trump being reinstated on the platform. López Obrador had criticized Twitter's decision to ban Trump previously. In late October 2022, as Musk assumed control of Twitter, the Mexican leader urged him to address the consequences of canceling Trump's account.

Shou Zi Chew, CEO of TikTok, recently faced questioning from members of the US House of Representatives regarding concerns over data security. Due to TikTok's ownership by ByteDance, a prominent Asian technology company, US officials fear that the Chinese Communist Party may have access to user data. The US government is applying pressure on ByteDance to sell its shares to a US-based company.

In Mexico, there are over 57 million active TikTok accounts, according to We Are Social. TikTok is the country's third most used social media platform, with a 14.1% user rate. Mexican politicians, especially those from the ruling party Morena, like Minister of Foreign Affairs Marcelo Ebrard, have embraced TikTok with over 1 million followers. Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum has over 870,000 followers, and former President of the Supreme Court Arturo Saldivar has more than 560,000 followers. Mexican politicians use TikTok to engage with younger audiences and share information about their work.

The Mexican government has stated that it will not ban TikTok, a popular video sharing social media app, despite the United States' potential prohibition due to security concerns.

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador expressed his support for the platform during his regular morning news conference, following the recent questioning of TikTok's chief executive by U.S. lawmakers.

Certain U.S. lawmakers are urging the government to consider banning the app due to concerns about potential data collection, content censorship, and negative effects on children's mental health.

According to the Chinese foreign ministry, the United States has not provided any evidence to support the claim that TikTok poses a threat to national security.

Last month, Canada announced a ban on the app from government-issued devices, citing risks to privacy and security.

Security concerns about the TikTok app linked to the Chinese Government

Additionally, TikTok has been banned in other countries and by various entities.

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