My dear sisters,

I am from the armed forces and as a mother I am deeply anguished by these acts of terror carried out by young Kashmiri kids. I know it is a tough time for you as it is for us. Losing so many of our soldiers in a single act of terror has shaken up every single Indian irrespective of where they live. For you it is a double edged sword because your young sons are being drastically radicalised against India and its security forces and are being lured to training camps, only to be killed later one way or the other. What exactly is the pact between your sons and their handlers is something, we would like to know, but I am sure nothing in the world would compensate with the life of your child. Am I right?

An often repeated news after the Pulwama attack is that the young terrorist (yes, I will call your child a terrorist because that is what he did: carried out an act of terror), Adil Ahmad Dar, was humiliated by the security forces while coming back from school. That one episode is being used as the reason for him joining militancy. To my knowledge the security personnel were doing their job, primarily because of the long prevailing situation in Kashmir. “Respect all, Inspect all, Suspect All” is the policy they follow, everywhere.

Even if they were a little harsh, or they crossed their limits during their interrogations, a good and a positive counselling from parents would have immediately put the child at ease. There is a atmosphere of militancy all around and every second child in the neighbourhood seems to be becoming a Jihadi. But as a mother I want to ask you, is this the right way? Is this what you wanted your child to become? The answer I am sure is no. No mother, no matter how ostracised she and her family maybe, would ever wish her child to become a terrorist.

So, next time your child comes home complaining of a harassment at the hands of security forces, calm him down. Tell him it is because of the few anti-India and anti social people from across the border, the situation has become such that now everyone is a suspect. I am from the forces family and I can tell you with a hand on my heart, that our security personnel have no personal grudge against your child.

They are also humans and in most cases fathers too. They would never harm a child. Just have a look at the last 20 years of Kashmir and you will only see horrific acts and bloodshed, carried out on the orders of people who certainly don’t wish well for the land. Security forces are just trying to control a very volatile situation, while putting their own lives at risk. It’s their job.

If you find it difficult to console your child, ask us. I am sure there will be many like us from the armed forces family who would love to sit down with your children and make them understand the severity of this whole situation and help them choose the right path with choices which are right for them, their family, their Kashmir, their India.

Please try to understand that the youth of Kashmir is now a pawn in the hands of militants and some politicians who just don’t want peace to return to this region. If their agendas were so pious, why haven’t they have sent their own sons to carry out such attacks and die, to set an example?

My humble request to you as a mother is, to please take control, of your children, of this horrific situation, of this mindless radicalisation against India, against its security forces, against us.

Jai Hind.

About the Author - Ambreen Zaidi is a  journalist and blogger who describes herself on twitter as  "Fearless Indian Faujan. Writer. Influencer.

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