It was yet another trademark Narendra Modi-Amit Shah script. While the media and opposition speculated over a dozen probable names, they pulled Ram Nath Kovind out of the bag leaving everyone stunned. By now people have figured out that if there is anything predictable about Narendra Modi, it is to always expect the unexpected. Therefore, it is not the manner in which Kovind was chosen but the choice itself that is important.

That Ram Nath Kovind is a Dalit by itself should not have come as a surprise. There were already few other backward and tribal origin names in the air. Where Kovind scores is he does not need to wear a Dalit stamp on his sleeves, but also has impressive credentials to show. Releasing his brief biography to the media, soon after the announcement of his name, the BJP saved Google an outage. It can, perhaps be said with a little stretch, Kovind is NDA's version of KR Narayanan.

Kovind’s name may have come as a shocker, but it was certainly not an impulse decision of Prime Minister Modi. The Pratibha Patil analogy fell flat in no time as people realised the criterion of selection was entirely different. Apart from political consideration, Kovil’s profile must have gone through rigorous background check. That despite desperate digging, the BJP hostile media and opposition has not been able to come up with any significant dirt on him confirms this due diligence.

The clumsy switch between “notion” to “nation” and his testimony for Bangaru Laxman (not for the act but as a general character certificate) have failed to wash with the public. With the result, Congress and its remaining allies have been left with little option than playing the 'my Dalit is more Dalit than yours' card going forward. Therefore, names of Meira Kumar and Sushil Shinde are doing the rounds.

In an earlier blog, this writer had said more than a month ago that Sonia Gandhi had walked into a lost battle even before it began by agreeing to lead a disparate bunch whose only glue was to oppose whatever the BJP does ( Ironically, while they were exhorting NDA members to exercise a “conscience vote”, it is their own constituent, Nitish Kumar, who took that call much before the polling day.

Now with both Mayawati and Mulayam on the verge of endorsing Kovil’s candidature, Mamata Banerjee travelling overseas, the Congress has been virtually isolated save the vociferous Left, which matters little in any case.

In hindsight, it might appear Rahul Gandhi’s European vacation was well timed, though it might be a little unfair on his mother, reportedly not in the best of health, who has been left holding the can.
However, all this noise about the Presidential election has diverted attention from more crucial issues. All said, before Rahul Gandhi took off for his extended birthday celebrations, the Congress had chanced upon the very live problem of farmers’ plight. Though it may be argued that they had caught it from the wrong end, missing the proverbial woods for the trees, by focussing only on agricultural loan waivers rather than the much larger question of depleting farm income and rural employment.

Since Mandsaur many erudite articles have been written about how the problem is much more deeper and fundamental and neither loan waiver nor raising government procurement price are the panacea for solving farmers’ woes. Along with that, there is a widespread feeling that the spectre of demonetisation has returned to haunt the economy. To compound it all, the suspense of GST implementation has put everyone on tenterhooks. Industry leaders have already turned on the 'Seat Belt' sign and warned of major turbulence ahead.

But one spanner of Kovind has put the Opposition in a tizzy. They are now scrambling for cover knowing fully well devastation waits ahead. Their state of confusion is revealed by the statement of Manish Tewari, who told the media yesterday, "We will come out with a clear, coherent and articulate strategy soon."

Coming close on the heels of the electoral drubbing the opposition received in Uttar Pradesh, the checkmate at Rashtrapati Bhavan should serve as a reality check for them. Because it exposes the loss of the only lever they had to wield on BJP – the Rajya Sabha numbers. One can only hope, they would realise that the only way they can have a fighting chance in 2019 is by focussing on substantive agenda, rather than mindlessly clawing at the near unassailable popularity of Narendra Modi.

To do that, the Opposition needs a substantive leader. Sonia Gandhi, regrettably, no longer has the energy to lead from the front. Rahul Gandhi will never be able to claim her stature and acceptance. Priyanka is not an option under the circumstances. Lalu, Mulayam, Mayawati are all discredited. Arvind Kejriwal has become a pariah – as was made amply clear by keeping him out of the Opposition’s deliberations. Mamata Banerjee is too petulant and mercurial.

That leaves only Nitish Kumar. He could well become the first among equals and the nodal point for a new anti-BJP configuration before 2019. Therefore, the statement of his party colleague that support to Ram Nath Kovind is more on their assessment of him as a candidate and does not affect the MGB alliance in Bihar, acquires special significance.

Nitish Kumar is once again back in the limelight and who can tell, possibly, also for next leg of the race.

(Author is a writer and popular blogger on current affairs. His Twitter handle is @SandipGhose)

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