Tata Motors recently launched the Nexon EV Max in India with being equipped with a larger battery pack and more range plus additional features. Now the standard Nexon EV gets some of those features in form of the Nexon EV Prime. The main highlights of this update includes multiple regen modes, cruise control, smartwatch connectivity and i-TPMS.
Interestingly, these updates would also be available to existing Nexon EV owners via a software update which would be available post 25th July via it's service centers. In terms of power and battery pack it is the same and the Nexon EV Max would continue to be more powerful. To recap, the Nexon EV Prime has an ARAI certified range of 312 kms on a single charge with zero emissions.
It is equipped with a 129 PS permanent-magnet AC motor, powered by a 30.2 kWh lithium-ion battery. The multiple regen modes in particular is an important feature which is now added to the standard Nexon EV range and let's you adjust the brake regeneration with multiple levels- something which was not there earlier on the standard Nexon EV.
With these changes the prices have not risen and it remains cheaper than the EV Max and also is the most affordable EV SUV in India. The Nexon EV is currently the best selling EV with its price and range not getting any rivals within this price point. Tata Motors currently also has the Tigor EV which is the most affordable EV overall in our market.
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