Tata Motors have launched the ICE version of the Curvv in India with a starting price of Rs 9.99 lakh. This follows up after the launch of the Curvv.EV and is introductory till 31st October. The ICE Curvv is based on a new architecture which is called ATLAS, made for the ICE vehicles from the carmaker.

The Curvv ICE comes with 2 petrol (The new Hyperion Gasoline Direct injection engine and the 1.2 L Revotron Petrol Turbocharged engine) and 1 diesel option (1.5 L Kryojet diesel engine) while all of the engines come with either a standard 6-speed manual or a 7-speed DCT automatic gearbox.

The Curvv is also the first Tata Motors car to have the Hyperion Gasoline Direct Injection engine which develops 122 bhp and 225Nm of torque. It is more powerful over the standard 1.2l turbo petrol which also powers the other Tata Motors products including the Nexon. In terms of the variants, the Curvv gets 4 personas – Smart, Pure, Creative and Accomplished and colour options including Gold essence, Daytona Grey, Pristine White, Flame Red, Pure Grey and Opera Blue.

It terms of features, the Curvv gets a 12.3-inch touchscreen and a 10.25-inch digital instrument cluster as well as features like a JBL Branded Audio System (9 Speakers including Subwoofer), level 2 ADAS, Powered tailgate with gesture control, powered driver seat, panoramic sunroof etc. Just like the EV, the Curvv gets a massive 500 litre boot capacity too which is the highest in class. The Curvv will compete with the likes of the Hyundai Creta, Maruti Suzuki Grand Vitara and the Kia Seltos plus the Toyota Hyryder and more. 

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