New Delhi: Royal Enfield, the most-loved bike brand, has once again launched its Classic 350 in a new avatar in India, priced at Rs 1.84 lakh. The price of this bike can go up to Rs 2.51 lakh. The company has developed it on a special J platform, i.e., it has a double cradle chassis. This powerful bike will be available in five variants, including Redditch, Halcyon, Signals, Dark and Chrome.  


Royal Enfield Classic 350 bikes will be introduced in the market with single and twin-seat options. Its design will be similar to the existing model. It features retro-style circular headlamps with chrome bezels, chrome-plated exhaust, round-shaped rear-view mirrors, a teardrop-shaped fuel tank. The bike has wide handlebars, spoke wheels, bottle-tube exhaust muffler and round tail lamps. 

Colour Options

Royal Enfield Classic 350 bikes have been launched with 11 colour options, including Chrome Red, Chrome Bronze, Dark Stealth Black, Halcyon Green, Halcyon Black, Halcyon Grey, Redditch Sage Green, Desert Sand, Redditch Red, Dark Gunmetal Grey and Marsh Grey.  


The new Royal Enfield Classic 350 provides a 349cc single-cylinder fuel-injected air/oil-cooled engine, generating 20.2bhp of maximum power at 6100 rpm and peak torque of 27Nm at 4,000rpm. The classic 350 engine comes with a 5-speed gearbox.


Royal Enfield Classic 350 will take on Honda Hness CB350. The bike has a 348.36cc air-cooled single-cylinder engine, which generates 21bhp power and 30Nm torque. Its engine comes with five speed gear boxes. The price of this bike is Rs 1.86-1.92 lakh in ex-showroom.

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