Nissan India has launched the X-Trail at a price of Rs 49.9 lakh ex-showroom. While available as an import, the X-Trail would be available in limited numbers but this pricing has indeed come as a surprise as when compared to rivals, it is on the higher side. The X-Trail is imported to India and as a CBU, comes with a 1.5l turbo petrol with a mild hybrid powertrain.

In comparison to the X-Trail, its rivals are much cheaper being assembled in India like the Hyundai Tucson which with a larger 2.0l petrol and a diesel, comes between Rs 29 lakh to Rs 35.9 lakh. Then the Jeep Meridian which has a 2.0l diesel is priced between Rs 33.7 lakh to Rs 39.8 lakh. Then the Volkswagen Tiguan which also has a more powerful 2.0l TSI engine is priced at Rs 35.7 lakh.

The Kodiaq meanwhile starts just under Rs 40 lakh with also a 2.0 TSI turbo petrol. Even the Fortuner with a larger 2.7l petrol is priced between Rs 33 lakh to Rs 51 lakh while the Gloster from MG which comes with a 2.0l diesel is priced between Rs 38.8 lakh to Rs 43.8 lakh. Looking at the features, the X-Trail also lags behind having manual seats while it does get a panoramic sunroof which the Toyota Fortuner does not get.

A 6 seater configuration with captain seats for the second row is available on some SUVs while the X-Trail gets bench seats. Barring the Fortuner and X-Trail, the other SUVs have the most features with Tucson getting heated/cooled seats plus Kodiaq having a 3-zone climate control plus the Gloster having massage function too! Adas is there on the Gloster and Tucson.

The Fortuner is the most rugged with the best off-road ability while the Gloster has huge space plus is the biggest in size. The Tucson has the most features in comfort with the same case being with the Kodiaq while the Tiguan is the most fun to drive. Hence, the Nissan X-Trail amongst rivals is indeed the most expensive and it remains to be seen how it carves a niche for itself while Nissan will sell only a handful of examples in India which means it would be much more exclusive than rivals.

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