Petrol and diesel prices are skyrocketing these days. In such a situation, people expect good mileage from their vehicle that can cover the most distance without shedding extra money. While optimisation of mileage is mechanical or engineered in a vehicle there are still several ways you can adopt while driving to get better mileage. 

Fixed Speed

The easiest way to save fuel is to drive at a fixed speed. If you drive at a speed of more than 50kmph, then at every 8kmph speed increases the fuel cost by more than Rs 4 per liter. Therefore you should drive at a fixed speed.

Usage Of Brakes

Another way to increase fuel usage while driving is to maintain some distance from the vehicle ahead of you. This will prevent you from pressing brakes frequently. If you drive right behind a car, you'll have to press the accelerator and brake more frequently. This affects a car's engine and thus more fuel is spent.

Accelerate Gradually

Whenever you drive a car, remember not to accelerate your vehicle all of a sudden. Gradually increase the speed of your vehicle if you want to accelerate. This way the engine will ask for fuel according to the need and consume less. If you increase the speed at once, the car will ingest more fuel. 

Don't Run Your Engine

People often keep the engine running for a long time at stop signs or even when they halt. Turn off your engine when you stop for more than 60 seconds. Engine running leads to more fuel consumption.

Many believe that the car's engine freezes in winter, so people leave the engine running to reheat it. But this was true for older car models as nowadays new generation vehicles don't require this.

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