Maruti Suzuki has launched its Baleno-based SUV called Fronx in India. This expands the Baleno line-up in India and is an SUV version of this car. The styling is different and it has a crossover look with it. The raised ground clearance is also a useful addition. The Baleno silhouette can be seen on the side but the front had a distinctive look with cladding all around.

Built on this same platform, the crossover would be positioned below or along with the Brezza as another sub-4 m offering. Maruti wants to expand the SUV space and aims to be a crossover for those wanting a hatchback but also need the extra ground clearance.

The engine is also new with a turbo petrol unit which is back into a Maruti after the Baleno RS. The turbo unit is the first one currently in the Maruti range. The turbo petrol would add torque and more performance too. There is a 6-speed automatic on offer with the turbo petrol and the 1.2 gets an AMT automatic. It also has the longest wheelbase in terms of more space too.

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