Bajaj has launched an update of its Pulsar N250 and prices have only crept up slightly with this revision. The price is Rs 1.51 lakh which means the increase is less than Rs 1000 for the new model. There are three colours on offer with a USD fork being one of the highlights of this update. Then there is the addition of three ABS modes being — Rain, Road, and off-road. ABS though cannot be switched off even in off-road mode but traction control can be but only in off-road mode. The white and red versions come with a golden USD fork while some of the components get a blacked-out look as well.
Unlike the previous N250, there are more colour options now the other change here is an LCD display with this new iteration which comes with Bluetooth and navigation turn by turn plus more. These updates were previously also seen with the updated NS200 and 160. The powertrain on offer with the Pulsar N250 remains unchanged though with a 249.07 cc oil-cooled single-cylinder engine which develops 24.5 ps and a peak torque of 21.5 Nm.
The gearbox is a 5-speed one and comes with a slip-and-assist clutch. The bike also comes with a mono-shock suspension with bigger tyres along with 17-inch wheels. Rivalling the likes of the Gixxer 250, the updates are timely while they increase the value for money quotient of this bike while the price hike is also quite less looking at all of the changes combined.
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The N250 looks more aggressive with an LED headlamp while the naked streetfighter look does enhance its appeal. The tank also has a satin grey finish.
There are floating body panels such as the belly pan, front fairing, and front fender along with the wider tyres. The engine covers are finished in deep copper too. The 250 cc BS6 DTS-i oil cooled engine delivers 24.5 PS which makes it between the 220F Pulsar and the Dominar in terms of power.
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