The much awaited new Q3 is due for launch soon and Audi has revealed the India-spec model details along with the variant line-up. The Q3 has been one of the most popular Audi models and now that is back, the compact luxury SUV space would be expanded further since some of its current cars are around for a while with the Q3 bringing some excitement back. The Q3 would be available with a turbo-petrol along with the Quattro AWD system.

The new Q3 would be available with two trims- Premium Plus and Technology.

Premium Plus trim will get features like 18 inch alloys, Quattro AWD, LED headlamps, panoramic sunroof, Power adjustable front seats with four-way Lumbar support,  Leather-Leatherette combination seat upholstery, Ambient lighting package (Single Color), Comfort suspension, 2-zone climate control system, Start/stop system with regenerative braking, Parking aid plus with rear view camera, Digital instrument cluster, 6 speakers audio system, Six Airbags etc.

The top-end Technology variant will come with more features in addition to the above ones like MMI Navigation Plus with MMI Touch, Audi Drive Select,  Audi Virtual Cockpit Plus, Ambient lighting package plus (30 Colours), Comfort key with gesture-controlled tailgate, luggage compartment lid, electrically opening and closing, Audi phone box with wireless charging system and Audi Sound System (Ten speakers, 180 W).

The engine on offer would be a 2.0l TFSI engine that delivers 190 hp and 320 Nm of torque with the SUV going from 0-100 in 7.3 seconds. Deliveries will start from the end of the year with bookings having been started. 

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