Diwali 2023 Vastu Tips: It is essential to understand Vastu tips and arrange your home's items according to Vastu principles to make your home magnificent for Diwali. According to Vastu, the direction in which the bed, the dining table, and the temple should be placed is crucial. Here are some tips that you can keep in mind before you start your Diwali decor:

Dining Table Placement: Having a dining table in the house is considered highly auspicious. It is recommended to always dine in the dining room; eating on the bed is believed to bring negativity, which is why it is discouraged. The dining room should ideally be connected to the south, west, or east of the kitchen. Additionally, if you are planning to create a dining room in your home, the west direction is considered ideal because it is considered the most auspicious place for dining.

Bed Placement: If you are bringing a new bed or considering rearranging your home's furniture, these Vastu tips can be helpful. In the bedroom, the bed should always be placed in the south-west direction. It is essential to ensure that when you sleep, your head is always in the south direction. Never make the mistake of sleeping with your feet facing the south direction, as it is considered inauspicious. If you plan to change the direction, follow this guideline.

Temple Placement: If you are planning to set up a temple in your home, it is crucial to keep in mind that the temple should be located in the Ishan Kon (Northeast) direction or the North East (North East) direction. It is believed that the Ishan Kon direction is where the deities reside, making it an auspicious direction for the temple. If you want to correct the Vastu of your home's temple before Diwali, place it in the North East direction.

Vastu Tips For Dhanteras For All 12 Zodiac Signs

Jeevika Sharma who is an Astrologer &Vastu expert listed the follwoing:


If you have any medals, certificate or trophies for achievement then display all of them neatly in the living room wall together. This would attract good luck and help you to achieve more in the coming times.


Perform a small pooja at home on Dhanteras and wish for your biggest desire you wish for yourself to achieve in the next six months. This will help you get a hold of the situation which would allow you to take action to achieve your goal.


Buy a gold coin which fits your budget and place it in front of idols at home while worshipping on Dhanteras. This will help you achieve financial growth in the coming months.


This Dhanteras after performing the pooja in the morning, you need to implement the decision you made about your personal and/or professional life. Things will turn in your favour. It is advisable not to wait anymore or waste any time to take an action.


Decorate your home and office with various plants and flowers. This will welcome a lot of positive energy into the house and would also bring in a lot of success as well as happiness.


This Dhanteras, Virgos can do a whole day fast to attract positivity and luck into their lives. Make sure that you perform a pooja and offer sweets to God before breaking the fast. Break the fast with the prasad (sweet) you offered in the pooja.


Libra should celebrate this Dhanteras in a traditional way. They can ask the elderly for guidance in their life. Make sure you perform pooja with family members instead of being alone.


It is advised that you remove all the negative images which depict war or aggression or fighting  from your house this Dhanteras. Also, avoid any argument or fight at home as this could invite a lot of negativity into the house and could also affect the financial growth.


You should keep your home clean and organized this Dhanteras. Do not sleep for extra hours and also, do not keep any images that depict laziness or any sleeping image at home as this can delay your financial growth.


This Dhanteras buy small gifts for all your family members. Make sure not to overspend and keep it in budget. Place all the gifts in front of the idol while performing pooja at home.


Aquarius should write their wishes or decisions on a piece of paper and place it in front of idols while worshipping during the pooja. This would remove all the hindrances (if any) from your life.


Remove anything that is damaged from home and office this Dhanteras. It could be old broken furniture, curtains, showpieces, electronics etc. Removing them will eradicate negativity from your home.

[Disclaimer: The content of this article is based solely on astrological predictions, and should be taken as general guidance. Individual experiences may vary. ABPLive.com does not assert the accuracy or validity of any claims or information presented. It is strongly recommended to consult a qualified expert before considering or implementing any information or belief discussed herein.]