Vastu Tips for Stairs: Vaastu Shastra is based on energy. According to Vastu, everything kept in the house has energy and direction associated with it. Its impact not only affects the members of the house but also influecnes wealth. There are many places in the house, especially stairs, where not following Vastu principles leads to Vastu dosha. As per Vastu rules, it is advised not to keep certain things under the stairs as it can bring financial hardships.

Let's find out the list of things should not be kept under the stairs.

Staircase Vastu: Tips for a Happy Home

  • People often keep shoes or slippers under the stairs, which is considered wrong in Vastu Shastra. Footwear racks should never be placed under the stairs as it may bring financial hardship to the place.

  • Taps should not be installed under the stairs as it is believed to cause financial loss. If a tap is installed, special attention should be paid to ensure that it does not leak water, as in Vastu, water leakage is considered equivalent to money leakage.

  • Trash and dustbins should never be kept under the stairs. It is believed that doing so, brings Vastu dosha to the house. Due to this, there is a feeling of discomfort among the members of the house, and tension increases.

  • One should never build a puja room, bathroom, or kitchen under the stairs. Doing so causes Vastu dosha in the house and leads to a lack of happiness and peace.

  • Stairs should always be cleaned daily or this can bring negativity into the house. Also the staircase area should not be dark, yet the lighting on the stairs should neither be too bright nor too dim.

  • It is essential to pay attention to the direction of the stairs. They should face west from the north. The stairs should not be in the south direction of the house. It is believed that stairs built in this direction hinder the progress of the house. 

  • Stairs should always be kept in odd numbers. This brings auspicious results. Rooms that are used daily should not be built under the stairs. As per Vastu Shastra, this is considered inappropriate.