Vastu Tips In Hindi: In Vastu Shastra, the importance of energy is highly regarded. It is based on positive and negative energies. Positive energy brings prosperity and happiness to the home, while negative energy brings various problems in life. Vastu Shastra also emphasizes the significance of directions. Specific directions are recommended for the bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, stairs, and windows.

According to Vastu, if anything is placed in the wrong direction, it can have negative effects. To correct the direction of the house, some specific items are considered beneficial. If you are facing financial difficulties, consider bringing some of these items into your home. These items can strengthen the financial situation of the house.

Bring any of these items into the house:

  • To maintain positive energy in the house, install a statue or photo of Lord Hanuman with five faces in the southeast direction of the house and perform daily worship. This is believed to strengthen the financial condition of the house.

  • Pyramids hold special importance in Vastu Shastra. It is said that placing a pyramid in the direction where there is Vastu dosha can bring improvement. Bring a silver, brass, or copper pyramid into the house. These items, associated with Vastu, can open the path to wealth. Place it in a location where all family members can sit together.

  • Place the symbol of Goddess Lakshmi's lotus feet and a picture of Lord Kubera in your place of worship. Goddess Lakshmi is the deity of wealth, and Lord Kubera is also a deity of wealth and prosperity. According to Vastu Shastra, the entrance door of the house should also have the picture of Lakshmi-Kubera. Additionally, placing the idol of the Vastu deity in the house can ward off financial difficulties.

  • According to Vastu Shastra, keeping a water-filled pitcher in the house is considered very auspicious. It should be placed in the northern direction of the house. You can also keep a small pot in place of the pitcher. Make sure to keep water in this pot. According to Vastu Shastra, keeping a tortoise in the house can also bring good luck.

[Disclaimer: The content of this article is based solely on astrological predictions, and should be taken as general guidance. Individual experiences may vary. does not assert the accuracy or validity of any claims or information presented. It is strongly recommended to consult a qualified expert before considering or implementing any information or belief discussed herein.]