Vastu Shastra tells that there is an impact of everything that is placed in the house. Even the clock carries an energy which can be either positive or negative. According to Vastu, a clock installed correctly and in the right direction brings positive energy, while placing a clock without adhering to Vastu principles brings negative energy. Let's understand the correct rules for placing a clock according to Vastu.

Rules For Placing A Clock:

  • Never place a clock above the main entrance door: According to Vastu, it is not considered good to place a clock above the main entrance door. This is believed to generate negative energy inside the house, causing various issues for the household members. 

  • Avoid placing a clock in the south direction of the house: Installing a clock on the south-facing wall is considered inauspicious in Vastu. This can lead to a difficult time for the household members. Since the south direction is associated with Yama, it is not considered favourable.

  • If a clock stops working, remove it immediately: According to Vastu, leaving a stopped clock inside the house invites negative time. Therefore, a stopped clock should be fixed promptly. Avoid letting any clock in the house accumulate dust, as it impedes progress.

  • Never set the clock ahead or behind its actual time: Some people set their clocks slightly ahead or behind the actual time, but Vastu does not consider this favourable. The clock should always be set at the correct time to ensure the proper flow of time. Incorrect clock time is believed to impact personal schedules negatively.

  • Pendulum clocks are preferred in Vastu: Clocks with pendulums are considered auspicious in Vastu, as they are believed to bring progress to the household. Round-shaped clocks are thought to enhance positive energy in the house.

Correct Direction For Placing A Clock On The Wall:

The best direction for placing a clock on the wall is the north direction. The north direction is associated with the deity of wealth and prosperity, Kubera. It is believed that placing a clock in this direction helps in alleviating financial difficulties for the family members. If placing a clock in the north direction is not possible, it can also be placed in the east direction, which is considered auspicious for attracting wealth.