In Vedic astrology, there are several remedies mentioned that help pacify and strengthen the planets. Urad dal, while being delicious to eat, is also associated with specific rituals and astrological remedies that provide significant benefits. The totkas (remedies) related to urad dal are highly regarded in astrology, especially for enhancing wealth and strengthening one's fortune.

Performing these remedies on Saturdays not only appeases Lord Shani (Saturn) but also attracts the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi. Let's explore these remedies in detail.

Urad Dal Remedies:

  • Saturday Evening Ritual: On Saturday evening, mix a little curd and vermilion with two whole urad dal grains. Place this mixture under a peepal tree and avoid looking back while returning. Repeat this remedy continuously for 21 days. This totka is believed to alleviate various financial issues.

  • For Saturn Afflictions: If you are afflicted by Saturn-related doshas, the following totka can be highly effective. On Saturday, rotate a small quantity of urad dal over your head three times and feed it to crows. By doing this continuously for seven Saturdays, Saturn doshas are believed to be alleviated.

  • Benevolence for the Needy: On Saturday, place a vessel containing mustard oil under the bed, and the next day, make small balls (gulgule) from urad dal soaked in this oil. Feed these balls to dogs and the poor. This remedy is believed to alleviate poverty.

  • Prosperity in New Business: If you are starting a new business, try this remedy with black urad dal. Bring any iron object to your new office, place it there, create a swastika sign, and put some black urad dal on it. Now, keep the iron object on top of it. This practice is believed to bring rapid progress in your business.

These remedies associated with urad dal, especially when performed on Saturdays, are considered auspicious for attracting positive energies and resolving various life issues.