Solar Eclipse 2024 HIGHLIGHTS: Surya Grahan Time, Sutak Kaal Effects On Zodiac Sign- All You Need To Know

Surya Grahan 2024 HIGHLIGHTS: Hello and welcome to this space where we are going to provide all the details about the first solar eclipse of the year, which is set to occur on April 8th.

ABP News Bureau Last Updated: 08 Apr 2024 11:28 PM

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Solar Eclipse 2024 Live: Know The Three Phases Of The Annual Solar Eclipse

The annual solar eclipse occurs in three main phases. The initial phase is the 'first contact', followed by the 'second contact', and then the final phase is the 'totality', where a beautiful corona is visible for a short duration.

Solar Eclipse 2024: Totality Commences As Umbra Makes Contact

The full phase of the eclipse commenced at 10:09 PM IST as the Moon's umbra (the darker portion of its shadow) made contact approximately 1,000 kilometers south of the Republic of Kiribati in the Pacific Ocean. Progressing in a northeastern trajectory, the umbra will persist for approximately 3 hours and 16 minutes until 1:25 AM IST, when it will vanish from Earth's view around 547 kilometers southwest of Ireland in the Atlantic Ocean. Any region situated beneath the umbra at any given moment will encounter a complete solar eclipse.

Total Solar Eclipse Begins In The Middle Of The Pacific

Total solar eclipse begins in the middle of the Pacific and will sweep across North America, reports AP

Solar Eclipse 2024: How You Can Avoid Its Adverse Effects


  1. Avoid eating during the eclipse period.

  2. Avoid touching idols of deities.

  3. Avoid arguments, disputes, or loud noises.

  4. Maintain distance from sharp objects.

  5. Avoid touching sacred trees like Tulsi and Peepal.

  6. Do not look at the full solar eclipse with naked eyes.

Solar Eclipse 2024: Why Today's Solar Eclipse Is Special

The eclipse occurring today is special because such a long total solar eclipse occurred before in 1970. After this, such an eclipse will occur again in 2078.

Solar Eclipse Rules: Why You Should Not Eat During This Time

During a solar eclipse, the sun's rays become contaminated. Astronomers and scientists say that during an eclipse, some radiation mixes with the atmosphere and reaches the earth, which can be harmful to human health. Since bacteria spread very quickly in food, eating during an eclipse is prohibited. Doing so can lead to health problems.

Solar Eclipse 2024: Darkness Will Prevail In Some Parts Of America 4 Minutes

On the day of the first solar eclipse of the year, darkness will prevail for 4 minutes and 28 seconds in some parts of America. People are excited to witness this spectacular sight, but special glasses or goggles should be used to observe the solar eclipse to prevent harmful rays from affecting the eyes. The retina will not be damaged.

Solar Eclipse 2024 Effect: Impact Of Solar Eclipse On The World

The impact of this total solar eclipse will be witnessed across the globe. Due to this solar eclipse, there could be intense turmoil in political corridors worldwide. Fluctuations can be observed in the stock market and economically. These changes are indicating signs of conflict worldwide.

Solar Eclipse 2024: Know What A Planetary Parade Is

Amid a solar eclipse, an extraordinary astronomical phenomenon unfolds as seven planets—Uranus, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Saturn, and Mars—converge in proximity to the sun, presenting a rare spectacle where all primary planets of our solar system are observed simultaneously. Enhancing this, Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks will adorn the sky, adding to the cosmic spectacle.

These gatherings of planets are referred to as planetary parades, turning this event into an extraordinary celestial spectacle appreciated by astronomers and sky enthusiasts alike.

Solar Eclipse 2024: Mythological Story Behind This

In Hinduism, there are many mythological beliefs associated with solar eclipses. According to one of these beliefs, during the churning of the ocean (Samudra Manthan), a demon named Swarbhanu disguised himself to drink the nectar (amrit) that emerged. He managed to sit between the Sun and the Moon. Just as the nectar reached his throat, Lord Vishnu identified him. Lord Vishnu then severed his head with the Sudarshan Chakra. This severed head is known as Rahu and Ketu. Whenever Rahu and Ketu swallow the Sun and the Moon, solar and lunar eclipses occur.

Solar Eclipse 2024: Precautions That Pregnant Women Should Take

Pregnant women need to take precautions during an eclipse.

  • Avoid going outside the house on this day.

  • Avoid using any sharp objects.

  • During this time, avoid lying down straight and sleeping.

  • Try to chant the name of God.

  • Take a bath after the eclipse.

Solar Eclipse 2024: Remedies For Solar Eclipse

During a solar eclipse, it is considered auspicious to donate jaggery, salt, and utensils made of copper. Reciting the Hanuman Chalisa during this time is advisable as it helps to ward off the negative effects of the eclipse. After the eclipse ends, offering water to the peepal tree brings blessings from the Sun God.

Solar Eclipse 2024: Things To Do During This Time

During a solar eclipse, one should chant the name of God and recite mantras. After the eclipse, it is advisable to take a bath with holy water from the Ganges (Gangajal) and sprinkle it throughout the house. After the eclipse ends, one should also perform acts of charity. It is also recommended to bathe the idols of deities with holy water from the Ganges.

Solar Eclipse 2024: Effect On Zodiac Signs

According to astrology, a solar eclipse has either auspicious or inauspicious effects on all zodiac signs. The solar eclipse occurring on April 8 will be very auspicious for individuals of Taurus, Capricorn, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, and Aquarius signs. These signs will receive favourable results due to the grace of the sun. However, for individuals of Aries, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces signs, this solar eclipse will be very inauspicious. They should take special precautions.

Solar Eclipse 2024: Mistakes To Avoid During This Time


  • During a solar eclipse, one should avoid going out of the house.

  • It is recommended to stay indoors and engage in worship during this time.

  • Pregnant women should take special care and should refrain from using sharp objects such as knives, needles, and scissors, eating during the eclipse.

  • Avoid any activity that may lead to physical problems.

  • Chanting mantras during that time is considered to be beneficial.

Solar Eclipse 2024: How You Can Watch The Total Solar Eclipse From India

Since the eclipse will begin at night in India, people living in the country will not be able to witness it in the skies, but they can watch the cosmic event online. 

NASA will stream the total solar eclipse on its official YouTube channel and social media platforms. 

Solar Eclipse 2024: Know What Is Total Solar Eclipse

When the new Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth, and casts the darkest part of its shadow, or umbra, on the planet, the face of the Sun is completely blocked from the Earth. This is known as a total solar eclipse.

During a total solar eclipse, the Sun's outer atmosphere, or corona, becomes clearly visible. But one must not look at the Sun directly at the time of totality, or when the Moon completely covers the bright face of the Sun, because this can cause severe eye injury. 

People should wear specialised eye protection while viewing a total solar eclipse, and use a telescope with a special-purpose solar filter. 

Only regions located in the path of the Moon's umbra can see a total solar eclipse. People living outside the umbra's path can see a partial solar eclipse, wherein the Moon blocks only a part of the Sun. 

Solar Eclipse 2024: Countries From Where It Will Be Visible

The first solar eclipse of the year, which will be a total solar eclipse, is set to occur on April 8. People living in regions such as North America, the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Arctic, western Europe, and northern South America will be able to witness the celestial spectacle. However, it will not be visible in India. 

This is because India does not lie in the path of totality of the eclipse, and the event will occur at night. It will begin at around 9:12 pm IST on April 8, and end at around 2:22 am IST on April 9, according to


Solar Eclipse 2024 HIGHLIGHTS: Hello and welcome to this space where we are going to provide all the details about the first solar eclipse of the year, which is set to occur on April 8th. This will be happening one day before the beginning of Chaitra Navratri. While eclipses hold special significance in astrology, they are not considered auspicious in Hinduism.

The impact of this solar eclipse will not be felt in India, which means the period of Sutak will not be observed. Due to the eclipse occurring before Navratri, its effects may be felt on some zodiac signs.

Timing of the first solar eclipse of the year

The first solar eclipse of the year 2024 is set to occur on April 8th. According to Indian Standard Time, the eclipse will begin at 9:12 PM on April 8th and last until 2:22 AM on April 9th. This eclipse will not be visible in India, which means that the Sutak period will not be observed.

Where will the eclipse be visible?

While this solar eclipse will not be visible in India, it can be observed from various parts of the world, including Canada, Mexico, the United States, Aruba, Bermuda, the Caribbean Netherlands, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Greenland, Ireland, Iceland, Jamaica, Norway, Panama, Nicaragua, Russia, Puerto Rico, Saint Martin, Spain, The Bahamas, the United Kingdom, and Venezuela.

Effects on zodiac signs

According to Vedic astrology calculations, this solar eclipse will occur in the Revati Nakshatra and Pisces zodiac signs. This will be a total solar eclipse occurring after 4 years. The impact of this solar eclipse may be felt on individuals with Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Libra, and Aquarius zodiac signs.

Dos and Don'ts during the eclipse

During an eclipse, the Sutak period begins before the eclipse occurs. The Sutak period starts 12 hours before a solar eclipse and 5 hours before a lunar eclipse. Since the Sutak period is considered inauspicious, activities like prayers, religious rituals, and auspicious work are avoided. Temples are closed during this period, and cooking or eating food is also avoided. Mantras are chanted during the eclipse, and after the eclipse ends, people take a bath using Ganga water and perform charitable acts. The entire house is purified with Ganga water after the eclipse ends.

  • Things to aviod during the Eclipse: Avoid performing any auspicious activities or worshipping during an eclipse. Do not cook food or consume anything during the eclipse. Pregnant women should not witness the eclipse and should avoid going outside. Do not touch Tulsi or other plants during the eclipse.

  • Things to do during the Eclipse: Before the eclipse begins, place Tulsi leaves in food items to mitigate the effects of the Sutak period. Remember the names of your preferred deities during the eclipse. Chant mantras to reduce the effects of the eclipse. When the eclipse is over, mist the entire home with Ganga water.

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