Makar Sankranti 2024: There are a total of 12 Sankranti in a year, but Makar Sankranti is considered significant. When the sun enters the Capricorn sign during the Poush month, Makar Sankranti is celebrated on that day. This year, Makar Sankranti falls on January 15, 2024.

It is the day of the conjunction of the Sun and Saturn. It is believed that worshipping the Sun with black sesame seeds on this day provides relief from Saturn's influence. Additionally, reading the stories of Lord Sun and Saturn on the occasion of Makar Sankranti brings happiness and prosperity to life. Let's learn the story of Makar Sankranti.

The Story of Makar Sankranti:

According to mythological stories, Lord Sun and Lord Saturn were father and son, but there was bitterness in their relationship. The reason for this was Lord Sun's behavior towards Saturn's mother, Chhaya. When Saturn was born, Lord Sun refused to accept him as his son, seeing his dark complexion. He separated Saturn and his mother Chhaya, and since then, they lived in a house named Kumbh. However, Chhaya, hurt by Lord Sun's behavior, cursed them with leprosy.

Lord Sun's Suffering from Leprosy:

Seeing his father suffering from leprosy, Yamaraj, Lord Sun's son from his first wife Sanjna, became distressed. Yamaraj is the son of Lord Sun's first wife, Sanjna. Yamaraj freed Lord Sun from leprosy. When Lord Sun became completely healthy, he focused his sight entirely on the Capricorn sign. This caused the house of Saturn to burn, and from then on, Saturn and his mother Chhaya suffered from leprosy.

Saturn Welcomes Sun with Black Sesame Seeds:

Yamaraj, witnessing the plight of his stepmother and brother Saturn, pleaded with his father Sun to forgive them for their well-being. Sun then went to meet Saturn. When Saturn saw his father coming, he looked towards his burnt house. Inside, there were some sesame seeds kept in a pot. Saturn welcomed his father with these sesame seeds.

Saturn Receives a New Home 'Makar':

Impressed by Saturn's gesture, Lord Sun became pleased, and he granted Saturn a new house named 'Makar.' Delighted, Saturn declared that whoever worships the Sun on Makar Sankranti will be relieved from the influence of Saturn, and their home will be filled with wealth and prosperity. Therefore, when the Sun enters his son's first house, i.e., the Capricorn sign, it is called Makar Sankranti.