Happy New Year 2024: 2024 is approaching soon. Everyone wishes that the upcoming year brings happiness and prosperity into their lives. People undertake various measures to receive the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi in the New Year. If you want Goddess Lakshmi to grace your home as well, consider doing some special tasks before the start of the new year. You can make your new year prosperous by making some changes in your life before it begins.

Let's find out what changes you should make in your life before the start of the year 2024.

Tasks to do before the start of the New Year:

  • Before the new year arrives, remove unnecessary clutter, broken idols, dysfunctional clocks, damaged items, or a broken mirror from your home or shop. It is believed that keeping such items in the house hinders progress and creates negative energy. This causes obstacles in every endeavor. Therefore, before the new year begins, remove these items from your home.

  • On the first day of the new year, place an idol or picture of Lord Ganesha on the main door of your home. It is considered highly auspicious and brings prosperity to life. If you are involved in business, one day before the start of the year, place a Yamakilak Yantra on the main door of your shop. This prevents the entry of negative energy into the workplace and brings success in life.

  • People usually place the idols of Lakshmi and Ganesha on the day of Diwali at home and in the shop. However, you can also place the idols of Lakshmi and Ganesha at the beginning of the new year. This is considered very auspicious, and starting the new year with the presence of Lakshmi and Ganesha brings good luck.

  • If there is any broken furniture in the house, such as a table, sofa, or chair, remove it from the house before the new year. It is believed that damaged furniture brings misfortune and negative energy into the house. The furniture in the house should always be in the right condition.

  • Install a pyramid in your home before the start of the new year. It is believed that placing a pyramid in the home or shop brings positivity and benefits in business. It is said that the influence of the pyramid has a positive effect on the surrounding objects.