There are many misconceptions about Hanuman Jayanti whcih gives rise to a possibility of dispute amongst people many times. Let us understand these things today as per the scriptures.

1) First misconception: Difference in date –

  • It is written in Skanda Purana: Maheshwar khanda, Kedar Mahatmya 8.100.

The eleventh Rudra of Bhagwan Shiva, Hanuman Ji appeared in the month of Chaitra on Purnima during Chitra Nakshatra to help Bhagwan Vishnu.

  • According to Utsav Sindhu, Hanuman ji was born in the month of Kartik: –

On Kartik Krishna Chaturdashi, Bhaumvar (Tuesday), in the Swati nakshatra and Aries ascendant, Bhagwan Shiva himself was born from the womb of Anjani in the form of Hanumanji.

  • As per Anand Ramayan (Saar Kand 13.162-163)

Hanuman was born on Chaitra Shukla Ekadashi in Magha Nakshatra. Some scholars say that Hanuman was born on Chaitra Purnima day according to Kalpa Bhed.

The dates are different in different scriptures due to Kalpa Bheda. For example, it is written in Agastya Samhita and Vrat Ratnakar that Hanuman was born in the womb of Anjana in Kartik month and in few scriptures it is mentioned as Chaitra month. That is why Hanuman Jayanti is celebrated twice in some places (Kartik and Chaitra month both).

Hanuman Ji was  born in every Kalpa and will continue to take birth in future Kalpa's too. But all scriptures agree that Hanuman is the eleventh Rudra of Bhagwan Shiva as given in Hanumanashtak (5.33) and Skanda Purana (Maheshwar Khand Kedar Mahatmya).

2) Second Misconception: Son of Kesari or Son of Vayu?

In reality, Hanuman Ji was Kesari and Anjana’s son but he had the blessings of Vayu Dev and Mahadev because Anjana Ji had performed Tapasya of both (Vayu and Mahadev) for a brilliant son and due to the same blessing he was also called Vayu Putra (Son of Vayu) and Shankar Suvan (Son of Mahadev).

3) Third misconception: Shankar Suvan or Shankar Swayam?

Is the text Shankar Suvan Kesari Nandan in Hanuman Chalisa correct or wrong?

There is no possibility of mistake in this because even in Shiva Purana (Shata Rudra Samhita 20.32) Hanuman ji is said to be the son of Shiva,
who made Bhagwan Ram and Lakshman happy in every way and protected the entire army.

Hanuman was not the Purna Avatar of Bhagwan Shiva, rather he was the Ansha Avatar of Bhagwan Shiva (11th Rudra).

In the Mahabharata also, Arjun is said to be the incarnation of Bhagwan Indra and also the son of Bhagwan Indra.

In my opinion and according to other traditional Acharyas, both the texts are correct - "Shankar Swayam Kesari Nandan" and "Shankar Suvan Kesari Nandan". You will find the proof of both in the scriptures. There is a beautiful verse in the Bal Kand of Ramcharit Manas:

4) Fourth misconception: Maruti or Hanuman?

Hanuman ji's name from childhood was Maruti, which later became Hanuman. Question arises that when was he named Hanuman?

In Valmiki Ramayana Uttar Kand 36.11, Indra said that when his Vajra slipped from his hand, it broke the Hanu or Chin of this child, therefore he was named as Hanuman. 

5) Fifth misconception : What was the education of Hanuman ji?

According to Valmiki Ramayan, Kishkindha kanda: Hanuman ji was a very learned person who had complete knowledge of Rig Ved, Sam Ved and Yajur Ved along with grammar.

6) Sixth misconception: Hanuman Jayanti or Hanuman Janamotsv?

There is no evidence in any Sanskrit or Hindi dictionary that Jayanti is celebrated only for the dead people and moreover Janmotsav is a synonym of Jayanti.

Now some people have started objecting to the word Jayanti and are asking to call it Hanuman Janmotsav. Their argument is that Jayanti is celebrated for the dead people.

But 'Jayanti' word is being used for centuries. Many folks these days try to learn scriptures through fake Internet blogs and fake YouTube videos and end up in messing all up.

First we need to understand the meaning of Jaynati. As per Agni Puran 183.2, Bhagwan was born in Midnight hence it is called as Jayanti. Even Vratutsav Chandrika mentions Hanuman Jayanti in their 4th Chapter which was published on 1923.

7) Seventh Misconception: Hanuman Ji wore the Sacred thread (Janeyu) is not mentioned in any scriptures, it is mentioned only in Hanuman Chalisa. And why is Hanuman Ji worshipped on Tuesday?

Evidence of both these points are mentioned in 'Hanumadupasana Kalpadrum'.  It is written that Hanuman ji was born on Chaitra Shukla Purnima on Tuesday, wearing a girdle of Munj, loincloth and adorned with Yagyopaveet (Sacred thread).

Bajrang Bali is a symbol of strength. All of you should increase your physical and mental strength by worshipping Hanuman ji on Hanuman Jayanti.

ALSO READ: Hanuman Jayanti 2024: Wishes, Messages To Share With Friends And Family

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