Diwali 2023: On the day of Diwali, there is a tradition of worshiping Goddess Lakshmi. If you happen to see the procession of Goddess Lakshmi on this day, consider that your fortune is about to unfold. The day of Diwali is an extremely auspicious day, and holds great significance for many. On this day, worship of Goddess Lakshmi is performed. Therefore, on the day of Diwali, sightings related to Goddess Lakshmi are considered auspicious.

On Diwali, the sight of an owl is considered highly auspicious. It is believed that if you happen to see an owl on the day of Diwali, it is a favorable omen for you.

The owl is said to be the vehicle of Goddess Lakshmi. The sighting of an owl indicates the attainment of wealth and prosperity. If you see an owl, understand that your destiny is shining bright.

If, on Diwali, you spot an owl sitting on your home, consider it a sign that Goddess Lakshmi has arrived at your doorstep with her procession. Therefore, it is believed that on the day of Diwali, seeing an owl means the unlocking of one's fortune.

Additionally, if you happen to hear the hooting of an owl early in the morning on Diwali, it is considered highly beneficial and auspicious. It is believed to be an indication of the arrival of Goddess Lakshmi in your home.

Numerology Horoscope: Predictions for Diwali 2023 as per your birth number

By Neeraj Dhankher who is the Founder & CEO, of Astro Zindagi

Number 1 (Born on 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th)

In the coming days, you may become more aware of how others perceive you, which can stimulate your desire for recognition, whether in your professional network or personal relationships. You may undergo a personal transformation in your approach to relationships, leading to more understanding, empathy, and a balanced perspective. If you are single and seeking a partner, this may be an auspicious time. Additionally, if you are looking to start your own business, this could be a favourable period.

Number 2 (Born on 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th)

As Diwali approaches, it's a good time to shift your focus towards stabilising your work relationships. During this time, you have the opportunity to cultivate stronger bonds with your colleagues, clients, and superiors. Take advantage of this time to find stability and resolve any conflicts that may exist. If you are dealing with any health concerns, it is recommended that you approach them methodically, Organise your daily routine and work diligently to fulfil your responsibilities.

Number 3: (Born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th)

According to numerological alignment, this Diwali will be a romantic time for you. If you're single, you might find someone special at a festive gathering. For those who are already in a relationship, this period will bring renewed romance and intimacy. It's a great time to take advantage of the festive spirit and reignite the spark with your partner, creating unforgettable memories. Embrace your playful and adventurous side and engage in activities that bring you joy and laughter.

Number 4 (Born on 4th, 13th, 22nd, or 31st)

As the Diwali season approaches, you may feel a stronger emotional connection with your family and loved ones. This festival of lights is an opportunity to create a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere at home, fostering greater understanding and warmth among family members. It's the perfect time to mend any strained relationships and strengthen your foundation. If you've been considering making changes to your home, such as renovations or redecorations, this festive season is the ideal time to bring your plans to life.

Number 5 (Born on 5th, 14th, or 23rd)

With Diwali approaching, it's an opportune moment to bridge any communication gaps with your siblings or close relatives. Try to engage in meaningful conversations that can improve your understanding of each other, fostering stronger bonds and enhancing harmony within your family circle. Your ability to articulate ideas persuasively can be a valuable asset, contributing to the success of your projects. You may also have travel plans in the works, like a spontaneous getaway with friends or a family trip.

Number 6: (Born on 6th, 15th, or 24th)

On the professional front, it's advisable to take calculated risks. This Diwali, consider exploring new avenues for financial growth and career advancement. Your meticulous nature, coupled with a strategic mindset, will be your guiding force in navigating the professional landscape with confidence. Be open to innovative ideas and unconventional paths; think outside the box. Embrace your strengths, and let the light of Diwali guide you towards a deeper understanding of your self-worth.

Number 7 (Born on 7th, 16th, or 25th)

It's a time to let go of negativity and embrace positivity within oneself, which will help to understand one's identity better. During Diwali celebrations, you will have opportunities to showcase your charm and personality. Relationships will be at the forefront, and individuals of this number might form new connections or strengthen existing bonds. Whether it's by committing to a healthy lifestyle or upgrading one's looks, it's essential to find happiness in improving oneself both physically and mentally.

Number 8: (Born on 8th, 17th, or 26th)

On the career front, it is important to take a practical approach. This Diwali season presents an opportunity to set achievable professional goals, reassess your ambitions, and carefully plan your path to success. Hard work and persistence will be the key to unlocking professional growth, and the disciplined influence of Saturn will reward you with a steady climb up the career ladder. However, you should be careful not to be overly critical or pessimistic.

Number 9: (Born on 9th, 18th, or 27th)

This Diwali is an opportunity for you to confront your fears and resolve any lingering issues within yourself. Allow the transformative power of light to shine into the darkest corners of your soul, releasing old wounds and embracing the potential for rebirth and renewal. Use your profound emotional insights to foster understanding and compassion in your relationships. In your professional life, you will be able to devise innovative solutions to challenges in the workplace.

[Disclaimer: The content of this article is based solely on astrological predictions, and should be taken as general guidance. Individual experiences may vary. ABPLive.com does not assert the accuracy or validity of any claims or information presented. It is strongly recommended to consult a qualified expert before considering or implementing any information or belief discussed herein.]