Dhanu Sankranti Date 2023: The term "Sankranti" refers to the transition of the sun from one zodiac sign to another. In scriptures, great importance is given to the date and time of Sankranti. Every month, the sun changes its position, moving from one zodiac sign to another. The process of the sun changing its zodiac sign each month is known as Sankranti. On the day of Sankranti, rituals such as ancestor worship, charity, adherence to dharma, and bathing are considered significant.

When is Dhanu Sankranti?

In astrology, the 12 zodiac signs hold special significance. The sun passes through these 12 signs successively. When the sun enters different zodiac signs, it is termed as Sankranti. Dhanu Sankranti falls on December 16th, Saturday. This Sankranti is celebrated with great enthusiasm as it marks the beginning of the Hemant season. From this day onwards, the auspicious activities are restricted during the lunar month of Kharmas.

When the sun transits through the signs of Sagittarius (Dhanu) and Pisces (Meen), the influence of the sun's brilliance weakens the impact of the ruling deities of Sagittarius and Pisces, Lord Guru (Jupiter). Due to this, a month-long period called Kharmas is observed, during which undertaking any auspicious activities is discouraged.

What to do during Kharmaas?

During Kharmas, the influence of the sun remains strong in the horoscope. Therefore, special worship and rituals should be performed for Lord Surya during this period. Daily, offer arghya (water mixed with kumkum) to Lord Surya in a water pot. Chanting the Surya mantra during this time brings special benefits. As Kharmas falls in the month of Paush, which is associated with the sun, special worship of Lord Surya is recommended throughout this month. Worshiping Lord Surya during this month is believed to bring an increase in happiness, wealth, and prosperity. Additionally, one should engage in more charitable activities during Kharmas. Observing a fast on Sundays during this month is also highly esteemed.

Dhanu Sankranti is considered highly beneficial for performing charity and virtuous deeds along with the worship of Lord Surya and Lord Vishnu. According to scriptures, worshipping Lord Surya and Lord Vishnu during Dhanu Sankranti brings blessings of health, wealth, and abundance. It is believed that during this time, listening to the Satyanarayan Katha, reciting the Shiva Chalisa, and similar practices lead to a life filled with happiness and peace.