Dhanteras, also known as Dhantrayodashi, is celebrated before Diwali. This year, Dhanteras falls on Friday, November 10. According to the Hindu calendar, this day falls on the thirteenth day of the bright half of the Kartik month and is considered highly auspicious for making purchases.

On Dhanteras, people buy various items, including real estate, vehicles, jewellery, utensils, electronics, and more, according to their means. Purchasing on Dhanteras is believed to bring substantial growth in wealth. Therefore, people shop extensively on this day.

Shopping for Auspicious Items on Dhanteras:

While Dhanteras is considered an auspicious day for shopping, it doesn't mean you should buy just anything. Keep in mind to purchase only those items that are considered auspicious on Dhanteras. Specifically, on Dhanteras, it is advisable to avoid buying black clothes, iron items, plastic goods, glassware, and similar items. Here's a list of items that are traditionally considered auspicious to buy on Dhanteras.

Coriander Seeds (Dhaniya): Purchasing coriander seeds, either as seeds or whole coriander, is considered auspicious on Dhanteras. Buying and offering these seeds on Diwali is believed to bring prosperity to the home. You can buy coriander seeds on Dhanteras and use them for Diwali puja. Afterward, plant these seeds in your garden or pots.

Broom (Jhadu): On Dhanteras, it is customary to buy a broom. This tradition is believed to keep Goddess Lakshmi pleased, ensuring prosperity in the house throughout the year. However, ensure that the broom is made of natural materials and not plastic. It's best to buy a broom with bristles made of the "Sikki" plant.

Metals (Dhatu): In Hinduism, metals like gold, silver, brass, and copper are considered highly auspicious. On Dhanteras, people buy utensils made of metals, gold, or silver. These purchases are believed to bring wealth and good fortune to the household.

It's essential to note that these are the traditional items considered auspicious for purchase on Dhanteras. Following these customs is believed to ensure prosperity and good fortune throughout the year.