Chhath Puja is celebrated six days after Diwali, especially with grandeur in states like Bihar, Jharkhand, and Uttar Pradesh. The festivities for Chhath Puja commenced on Friday, November 17, 2023, with Chhath Vratins observing rituals like bathing and partaking in offerings of pumpkin and lentils after the holy bath.

The four-day Chhath Puja will be observed until November 20. Each day of Chhath Puja involves different rituals. On the first day, devotees take a holy bath. The second day involves fasting, and the tradition of offering arghya to the sun is continued till the third and fourth day. During the evening and morning arghya, devotees and entire families go to rivers, ponds, or ghats. 

What Is Day 3 Of Chhath Puja:

Day 3 is celebrated as Sandhya Arghya. This is the crucial third day of Chhath Puja. On this day, all family members go to the water body and offer arghya to the setting sun. This year, the Arghya will be offered on Sunday, November 19, 2023. The sunset is at 5:26 PM on this day. People decorate the offerings and perform a parikrama while standing in waist-deep water.

Chhath Day 3 Pujan Samagri:

On the third day of Chhath Puja, the evening time is dedicated to offering Arghya (obeisance) to the setting sun. On this day, people go to the ghats with their families and perform the ritual of offering Arghya to the setting sun.

The worship on the third day of Chhath Puja holds great significance. The items for this day's worship include a bamboo or brass soup bowl, a glass, spoon, a copper pitcher for milk and water, a large basket, a plate, a lamp, and khaja (sweet dish).

Make sure to include these items in the worship during Chhath Puja. The list comprises a new saree, two large bamboo baskets, a glass for milk and water, a lota (water vessel) and plate, spoon, five sugarcane leaves, sugarcane and sweet potato, betel leaf and betel nut, turmeric.

On this day, keep fruits and vegetables with thekua in the basket. Place the entire prasad in the soup when offering Arghya to the sun. Light a lamp in the soup. After this, the offering of Arghya is made to the sun.

Include bananas, pineapples, large sweet lemons, radishes, ginger, taro root, sugarcane, raw turmeric, and coconut in the soup when offering Arghya to the sun.