(By Manyyaa Adlakkha, Vastuguru Manyyaa, Numerologist and Astrologer)

Navratri is one of the most auspicious festivals celebrated in our country, which holds a huge significance in Hindu religion. People celebrate the nine-day long festival by welcoming Goddess Durga into their homes and offering her grand prayers. To create the right environment for the Pooja, some simple Vastu related tips can make a lot of difference and bring happiness and satisfaction with prayers.

Here are some simple Vastu tips that can help you balance the five elements - space, air, fire, water, and earth, before you start the festivity and fill your house with abundance.

  • Cleanse and Purify - Before Navratri begins, thoroughly clean your mandir space and your home. Then install Mata ki Chowki and perform 'Kalash Sthapna' in the North direction of your Mandir and Ghat Sthapna in the East of your Mandir.

  • South East Direction for Mata ki Chowki – Install the idol of Maa Durga in the south-east direction (southeast corner) and lit the diya in the south direction of your mandir. Establishing the chowki in this direction brings physical and mental peace. You can even place the Kalash and idol using Chandan ki Chowki, which is considered very auspicious.

  • Lit Akhand Jyoti - Akhand Jyot means 'infinite light'. According to Vastu, Akhand jyoti is an essential component of the Navratri celebration and pooja. You should light it on the first day of Navratri and make sure to pour oil or ghee to it every day. It is believed that the auspicious phenomenon would bring wealth and good fortune into your house. It is important to remember that the akhand jyoti should never be set down flat on the ground.

  • Make a Swastik - To keep bad luck and diseases away from your house, draw a Swastik at the main door. The four stages of life - birth, development, nourishment, and death are symbolised by the Swastik. It brings luck and prosperity into the house.

  • Apply sandalwood - Sandalwood, also known as Chandan, is revered as a sacred puja substance that is used to honour gods. If we put sandalwood as tilak on our foreheads, it is believed to have calming properties and promote optimism.

  • Lit ghee lamp with cloves in it – Lighting 3 - 4 cloves in a ghee lamp this Navratri can remove negative energies in your house and bring in good luck.

  • Hang Mango Leaves at the front door - Mango leaves are believed to keep negative energy out of your home. Just take some fresh mango leaves and bind them together with crimson thread during Navratri.

Follow these Vastu tips on Navratri and get Maa Durga's umpteen blessings.

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